Chapter One

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to havoc - ily <333 (no homo)

to my sister for putting up with my delusional ramblings at 10pm <3 happy birthday thea.

aekos - the fall

Spiky rock dug into my back. I groaned, opening my eyes and sitting up, rubbing them. The hell?  Surrounding me were five other girls, all clothed in the same gray shirt and black sweatpants. All looked to be in their mid twenties, sporting the same black hair in varying lengths. Save for one, a white haired female with... Are those wings?

Another groan came from beside me, interrupting my confusion. "Fucking hell.. my back," one of the girls with waist length black hair and the most striking red eyes turned to me. "Who the... What?" She stared at me blankly. 

"I.." I started like an idiot. "I'm just as confused as you are. That chick over there has wings," The girl just blinked. "Either this is a dream or my prayers have been answered and I have successfully joined the world of fanfiction." She looked up towards the sky, getting to her feet and extending me a hand. "What's your name?" She asked me as I took her hand and shot her a grateful look. "I.. uh" I paused, looking around again. I didn't know where I was, and this sure as hell wasn't real. Maybe I shou- "Look, dude. I don't care about your inner monologue. Pick a new name if you want. I really don't care." 

I looked to her, my eyes meeting her own. "Aekos. My name is Aekos." I spoke, straightening my back and wincing at the sharp pain shooting up my spine. "Cool. Nice to meet you." A few noises came up from around us, the other girls waking. "Who the hell are you?" The white-haired one snapped. Me and the red-eyed one exchanged a glance. "I'll let you explain this one." I snickered and jerked my chin towards the girl.

She sighed towards the sky, and stepped forwards a few feet to exchange a hand to help the girl get up. She glared at the hand, but took it and got up anyways, dropping it as soon as she got up. She let out a hiss of pain and stumbled forwards, straight into the red-eyed girl. She caught her and steadied her, murmuring a 'thanks' . "What is on my back?" She hissed, her wings flexing briefly. 

"Oh! They're real," I said a bit loudly, in wonder of the wings that clearly were functioning. "What's real." The white-haired one bit out, her golden eyes narrowing on me. "You've got wings, girlie." The red-eyed one smirked at her. "Cool. Oh, Right. I'm Maven, by the way." The- Maven said. "That's Aekos." She jerked her chin back to me, and I nodded to her in response, crossing my arms.

"Okay. I'm.. uh." The white haired girl paused, narrowing her eyes in thought. "We can't remember our names, so we made some up. Make one up." I told her, tilting my head. She blinked at me, then seemed to remember I was a stranger, as was the girl holding her still. She stumbled back, wincing as she made an effort to stand with her wings. She got her bearings and straightened. "I'm.. Meera." She spoke slowly, testing out the new name. "Nice name." Maven said, stepping back.

"Are you going to tell me where we are?" She snapped. "We don't know." I said, keeping close to her incase she fell again. "Yeah. Stop being a bitch." Maven added. I cut her a glare. "Maven!" I bit out. "What? She's being one. Listen. We're just as confused as you are, girl. We woke up here in.. weird new bodies. With no recollection of getting here. Cut us some slack. It's not like we kidnapped you." Meera's eyes widened. "Sorry. I'm just.. confused." Her eyes softened, and she stared at the floor. Maven stared at her for a moment before cutting her gaze away, nodding once.

A shadow fell overhead, a bird flying above. "That's not a bird." Meera whispered, her eyes following mine to where we were staring. I squinted, and my eyes widened. "That's.." Maven whooped, pumping her fist into the air. "I fucking knew it! Fanfiction world! Let's fucking go!" Meera stared at her. "What?" Maven sighed and let her hand fall to her side. "Look. That's a guy with wings. Those wings look like dragon wings. Earth doesn't have winged people, if you hadn't noticed." She said drily.

The dots connected in my head. "Illyrians." I whispered, my eyes still where the winged male in the sky was. Meeras eyes went a bit wide, but to my great surprise, she smiled. "Fantasy world." She said, still smiling, her eyes bright. I turned to Maven, trying to actually look at her this time, seeing as I hadn't exactly gotten a great look last time. "How did I not notice you had horns?" I said to her. She turned to me, a bit confused. "What?" I gestured to her head, where two red horns matching her eyes sat nestled in her black hair. 

She touched a hand to her head, her eyes widened a bit, and the horns just.. vanished. "What the fuck?" Meera said loudly. "Your horns are gone, Maven." I dropped my gaze down to her face. She narrowed her eyes in concentration, and they appeared again. Meera snickered. "You can retract them, like a cats claws?" Maven groaned. "Of course I'm a demon, dude." 

There was a brief moment of silence. "Why are we fucking around. Shouldn't we be like.. Finding shelter and waking up the others?" I said, my eyebrows furrowed. "And finding out who, what, and when we are." Meera added. I groaned. "We could be after Silver Flames, During, Or before Even the first book started." Maven combed a hand through her hair. "We all read the series?" She asked, looking around, to where the other three girls were still sleeping. Somehow. Meera nodded, but I spoke. "I've read all but Silver Flames. I've read the bonus chapters, though."

Meera sighed. "Silver Flames is a bit boring. You didn't miss out on much." Maven turned her head sharply. "What? Silver Flames was awesome. You have no taste." Meera opened her mouth to argue, but I interrupted. "Guys. Remember the situation we're in." They both closed their mouths, looking slightly embarrassed. "We should probably move out of this spot. It's way too open. I think we should-" I began, right as a shadow slammed into the clearing. 

A woman with tanned skin and long, thigh length black hair folded in her wings as the wings just.. disappeared. She flicked her gaze over the three of us, then to the three on the ground, lingering on Meera's wings and Mavens horns. "Who are you?" Maven snapped, squaring her shoulders at the new female. "Void." The female said, before everything went dark.


stop this took forever 💀💀 anyways

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