Chapter Two

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for my pookie bear theo 🎀🎀 <3 (no homo)


I woke curled up on a soft mattress, someone sitting at the foot of my bed. It looked to be a room in a cabin, with wooden walls like logs and most of the furniture made of wood. The roof was flat, a solid 8 feet above the ground. The bed was tucked in a corner, next to a window with the blinds down. on the opposite side of the room was two plush chairs, a small table, and a large stone brick fireplace. The door was wooden, shut, and next to the chairs. I stiffened and sat up, trying to look at the person sitting there. They looked over at me, and I relaxed a bit. "Hi, Maven." I said, my voice a bit hoarse. She smirked. "Hi, yourself. Check your hand." I blinked, confused, and raised my hands, turning my palms over to look at them.

 On my left palm lay a tattoo. "What the fuck is that." I hissed. Glaring at the woman at the front of my bed. She smiled softly and said, "A power marker," was all she said. "Why." I hissed, Baring my teeth at her. She met my eyes unflinchingly. "Where are we. Why am I here." I snapped when she didn't respond. She sighed at the roof and said "All six of us have it." She said, raising her own left palm to show an almost identical tattoo. The only difference was that her inner diamond was filled in with black.

 The only difference was that her inner diamond was filled in with black

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(This is the closest thing I could find to what the tattoo looks like.)

"All six of us as in..?" I trailed off, still desperately waiting for an explanation. "Yes. As in the six of us that landed here. That tattoo," She gestured to my hand. "Is a marker of your newfound power. The woman that.." Maven- Maven shuddered. "basically kidnapped you-" A female voice snapped from the other side of the door that sent chills down her spine. "I did not kidnap you." Maven rolled her eyes and shouted back. "You basically did! Anyways, Meera." She turned her eyes back to me and lowered her voice down to normal speaking level. "She found us and uh.. turns out she felt us enter the world. I guess we're just that cool." She gave a smug smirk. I just stared at her, processing.

"Anyways. She was like, 'woah dude! these cool people might attack me so I have to put them to sleep so I can take them to my house in the mountains so I can give them my clone powers!' Except you. I don't think you were cool enough to get epic shadow powers." A loud groan came from outside the room, and the door flung open. Meera flinched back at the sudden noise. A female with shoulder length black hair and golden eyes stalked in. "Stop telling her that nonsense, Maven. Go." She pointed at the door. Maven mumbled something about her being a meddling bitch, walked out, and shut the door behind her.

The female turned to her and smiled brightly, her freckled face lighting up. "Hi! I'm Venus. You haven't met me yet. I was one of the girls that were sleeping." She sat on the bed where Maven was. "Nice to meet you." I said, blinking. "I'm sorry, I don't really know what's going on." I snorted and shook my head. Venus laughed. "I get the feeling. I didn't know what was going on when I woke up, either. You're the last of us to wake after Aelix took us here."

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