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"Thank you" Peyton thanked the heir as she locked eyes with him, slightly warning him. "Next time think before you do something stupid." she exclaimed as she took her lollipop back from Theo after she forced him to hold it.

Theo glared at her way after telling the librarian to open up the library again. He basically paid for it to be closed just for the day so Peyton wouldn't be able to go inside.

"Well maybe sometimes care to tell me what you're doing, Princess." he replied in irritation before walking away from the entrance, leaving Peyton there alone with whatever she was wanted to do.

Peyton waited until Theo was out of her sight for her to enter the place. Once she entered, the door was closed, no one else was allowed to be in it but her. She made sure of that.


Because she can.

Not even the librarian was allowed to be inside with her. Peyton didn't appreciate anyone trying to be in the same place as her while she's doing her research to gain her freedom.

She had lived with rules for so long and she didn't want any more of that. She wished to be free and be able to do whatever she wanted to do.

Walking towards the restricted section, Peyton grabbed one of the books from the shelves. She easily got it after releasing it with a spell she learned a year ago.

"Avada Kedavra"

She had heard of the unforgivable curse before but she never really practiced on using it. According to the book, it will shut down the target immediately. She found the curse very fascinating and she wondered who could have invented it.

Was it really deadly?

But at the same time she wondered how she should use the spell on Theo. He was always surrounded by the others.

It was irritating. There was always a distraction. And this mission was ridiculous. It was messing with her mind she had been losing focus in class.

She wasn't even sure if the knowledge she had about charms was enough to beat Malfoy in the exam. The wizard was exceptionally brilliant in the subject.

"Should I push him off of the Astronomy tower?" Peyton said to herself while she was thinking about thousands of ways she could kill off the Nott heir without anyone seeing.

"Or curse his broom? Ugh Pansy is always around me."

Flipping the pages of the book she was reading, something crossed her mind.

It was malicious but at least no one would suspect her.

"Chruchill?" Pansy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She couldn't process what Peyton wanted to do with the Hufflepuff girl that Theo despised her because she stepped on his expensive pair of shoes he bought from Italy.

"Yes, her" Peyton confirmed. "I want to have some words with her."

Pansy however obeyed and stood up from the sofa, marching towards the exit, on her way to find the girl with the dark hair and who was always carrying a booklet.

Peyton didn't want to be suspected, it would cause great impact on her image. Negative impact.

So she decided to use someone else. Someone that she knew owed her. It was Grace Churchill; the helpless, ugly, and clueless Hufflepuff.

She had never helped someone twice before but with Grace it was different. She didn't have that much friends and it wasn't like her family had power like hers.

"What do you have in mind?" Mattheo who overheard the conversation, invited himself to sit beside the witch.

She looked confused at times but not once Mattheo had ever asked her about what's bothering her mind.

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