The rise of a new captain

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Five years later

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Five years later

Maria was jolted awake by the sound of the cannons. The air was filled with the smell of burnt powder and fire, despite being deep within the ship. Shaking her head she slipped off of her hammock, hurrying to put on her boots. She wasn't sure what exactly was going on but the shaking of the ground beneath her feet and the combination of smells and sounds did not point to any joyful event. She could hear the screams and yells coming from the main decks so she quickly ran up the steps leading to the main deck prepared to attack anyone in her way. I have to find Jack. That was all she could think about.

Stepping off the last step she found herself in the center of an attack on the ship. She quickly looked around, her sharp brown eyes quickly scanning the ship for him. When she couldn't find him she screamed his name "Jack!"

A man wearing a uniform lunged towards her, brandishing a long sword, Marria quickly stepped out of his way and stopped his attack with her own sword. Five years of practice with Captain Teauge and Jack had made her quite talented with her sword; it had become as simple as walking for her to fight so she quickly finished the man in uniform off and moved on to her next target. Seeing her fellow sailors falling, injured or dead made her worry for Jack. Where the bloody hell is he? estúpido! She questioned. "Jack?!" She called for him again, finishing off another opponent. She turned in a circle trying to figure out if she should fight or flee. "Not without Jack!" she said under her breath.

The ship shook again as another cannon hit its wooden hull throwing Marria off balance. Her hand held onto the railing leading up to the second deck. As she was trying to stabilize her footing, a pair of hands held on to her shoulders and pulled her body back. She tried to fight her attacker but he was stronger. She had dropped her blade when she lost her balance. She struggled and kicked her feet but it was no help. Her breathing picked up. Her heart beating faster by every passing moment. She reached back and blindly pulled his pistol from his belt, raised her hand above her head and shot the man in the head. His blood sprayed her face and hair, she pulled herself away from his falling body, breathing heavily.

The last time she was grabbed like that was the night her father was killed, the memories of that night rushed back to her mind making her hands shake. She stared at the dead man, eyes wide and scared. It is intriguing how, despite being so accustomed to being capable of ending a life, the passage of time has not lessened the strong impact it continues to have on her.

Maria's shaking legs slowly took her away from the dead man, her eyes not being able to move from his disfigured face; her back hit the wooden panel of the cabin door but her body jumped when she felt someone hold her hand and pull her away from the fight. "No! Déjame ir!" She screamed and struggled to free herself from their strong hold but strong arms pulled her shaking body to their chest.

"Maria! Maria! It's me! It's me. You're okay. I got ya! I got ya!" He whispered in her hair, holding her tighter.

"Jack?" She asked, her voice shaking and breaking. "Aye'' he said quietly, a small smile dancing on his lips.

Tides of Revenge (A pirates of the Caribbean/ Jack Sparrow Story)Where stories live. Discover now