C2- Psychopath

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"Hey Midoriya." Y/N greeted from the couch as the greenette walked into the common rooms casually. There were only a few left in the common rooms, which were the chatty and chaotic ones,who seemed unable to function properly without human interaction.

"Hey L/N!" He had waved before sitting down beside of her. "How have you been?" He asked, smiling as he sat down on the other end of the couch, the fluffy cushion of the couch bending beneath his body sight as he sat down on the peice of furniture.

He was trying to be as friendly as he could around her, so he didn't accidentally 'press a button' on her that would make her angry and loud, it was kind of like walking on glass. He didn't know how much talking or rambling would make her yell at him, but what he didn't know is that she doesn't yell at anything and everything.

Y/N, she's more passionate about her opinions, she wouldn't exactly yell at anyone, unless it was just annoy them. That's something not even the most observant people could figure out about her, and placed her under the category of hot-headed people with anger issues, though she couldn't exactly say she didn't have anger issues, because she definitely did have them.

But that definitely made people prone to carefully treading around her, as if she would snap at them at any given moment. She wouldn't though.

"I'm okay, just texting family. They're 'bein a bit annoying. What about you?" She held up her phone, giving him a very blurry glance of the messaging app she was using to communicate with her family members.

"I'm the same." He chuckled at her attitude. "I wish I had family like that." He smiled. "My dad left when I was five." He chuckled again, this time a bit more dry and saddened than the previous one."He's working overseas in the United States Of America, or something like that." He added, looking at her.

Her expression immediately softened at his words, along with his sad face. "Sorry that happened to you, no one deserves to deal with that." She trailed off.

It had very much surprised Midoriya with the sudden change of the H/C-haired girl's tone, along with the empathy that had laced it.

"Oh! It's fine. I didn't really know him anyway." He shrugged. "I still know quite a bit about him from my mother though. For the most part he seems quite..." He started to wrack his brain of the nicest words to describe his absent father that he could come up with.

"Interesting...?" The E/C-eyed girl asked.

"No, not really." The greenette scratched the back of his neck.

"Boring...? She asked again.

"That's about right." He chuckled. "He just didn't seem like a bright man, y'know?"

"Pfft—How so?" She stiffled a laugh.

"It's just- from what my mom has said he hasn't been the one to do specific extracurricular activities and would rather stay on the couch and watch K-dramas. I mean—he did do a lot of stuff outdoors, but I don't think that he really saw my mother in-between all of it. Then right after I was born he got a phone call from one of his bosses and moved to America. " He explained, scratching the back of his freckled neck. "Never seen him since."

"Me in a nutshell." The H/C-haired girl laughed. "Well, the first part is, the part about how he would rather watch K-dramas and him doing a lot of things outdoors, I guess you need a relaxing mental-health day sometimes. Those usually consist of K-dramas for me—And training, of course." The girl laughed. "I guess you never got too attached to him as a child."

"Yeah, we had a few moments together I guess, can't really remember them myself though. My mom had to keep telling me." He laughed.

"Ooh! Ooh! Tell!" She bounced up and down in anticipation, laying her head in her hands, the chipped nail polish on her nails, her long slender S/C fingers curving around her jawline as she looked at the jade-haired boy with freckled cheeks.

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