C4- Missing Hero and New Target

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"We need you to come in— because another subject of the matter has went missing." Burnin', the green-flamed haired woman had explained, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

He then realized that the voice of the woman was Burnin' , the sidekick to Endeavor, and almost immediately stiffened up.

'Why didn't the hero commission call him instead?'

"The Endeavor agency has been looking for any type of lead to the case for three hours, yet nothing has even showed up yet." She breaks the news to Eraserhead, breathing out into the line.

The teacher could hear the low and deep voice of Endeavor now that he had payed attention to the line, the background being Endeavor's urgent tone and the talking of a few of his sidekicks trying to speak for themselves, to make up a type of excuse to why they haven't found any leads n the last few hours. He only heard it now that he listened carefully to the line, a frown etched upon his face.

"I'll be over, but can you tell me who is exactly missing?" He asked hesitantly, tapping his pointer finger on the bag he had brought with him in a hurry.

Eraserhead was currently walking to a bus stop, with his bag of 'essentials' in his hand, (His yellow sleeping bag, coffee beans, a first-aid kit and his hero costume's scarves) while his small phone accompanied the other. He came to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk as he heard the name of the student that had disappeared all of the sudden.

"Neito Monoma."

He gasped. "The blonde one?" He asked, before talking one long stride to continue walking. If his hand wasn't holding a bag, he would most definitely be pulling the hair straight out of his scalp.

"Yes. The one in class 3-B, to be exact." She replied, also seeming a little stressed out; yet she kept her voice soft and quiet when she noticed the change in tone from the stormy grey-eyed professor.

'Problem child number thirty one!' He thought.

"I'm on my way." He breathed out, taking his thumb and pinger finger and squeezing the bridge of his nose.

"Stay safe, Eraserhead."

And with that, he hung up the phone.

He didn't waste a moment before grabbing his scarf, and hooking it to a nearby street lamp. It brought peoples' attention, yet he didn't care in the slightest bit. He didn't give a rats ass if anyone was staring either, he couldn't—no, he wouldn't let another student from any school die.

He yanked himself onto the street lamp, before jumping to the next, picking up speed each time he jumped from each lamp that loomed over the sidewalk, as people gasped and started at the sudden action.

When he had got to the end of the row of lamps, he saw a small building, in which that he jumped on next, before gradually becoming higher up in the air each jump from building to building. He jumped from small buildings to large, wide buildings while using his scarves to grab onto things as he went.

The sky was blue outside, and the grass was an intoxicating green and the leaves were swaying back and forth in the trees. For a day of spring; it felt a lot like summer already, despite it being so cold a few days ago. Sakura blossoms were still falling off of the trees, leaving a sweet scent wafting in the air. The sun was so bright and hot that his forehead was hot and sticky from sweat, that continued to pour down from his head and arms.

He was wearing all-black on a sunny day, that felt like it was 110 degrees outside, so he definitely knew why he was sweating up a storm. As he got closer to the giant agency, he felt a crack of dread in his heart.

Monoma was most likely not going to make it out alive.

. . .

As he finally reached the agency, he hopped down from the nearest building after he saw three people waiting on the outside of the huge building. Two of them were recognized as the heroes Endeavor and Burnin', while one seemed to be less bulky and more lean, as he held a thick folder in his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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