Chapter 5

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She was outfitted in her mother's clothes again. This time in a gold lame ribbon dress. Same pearls, gold sandals. Rebecca did not go downstairs to kiss her father good-bye as he left for work, but stood near the window to witness his departure. Instantly, she regretted her decision to remain in her room, since she missed the opportunity to be cuddled by him.

Early mornings were precious, for it was then they could be themselves without interference from her stepmother. Well, what's done is done, the clock ticks on. She prayed for forgiveness and hoped his day would be stress-free. Instead, Rebecca chose to focus on the magnificence of the day, which was sunny and sparkling.

Humming quietly and harmoniously, Rebecca skipped her way to the dining hall and the grand piano. She had awakened earlier than her father to indulge in a bowl of oatmeal and a single banana for breakfast. A combination that seemed to enhance her energy and vitality, like a power-up received during a virtual game.

A corner of her mouth lifted in a sly smile for what she was about to do, a gamble with her life or her death. She flexed her fingers and erased the thought that no one should make a sound while her stepmother slept, especially not at such an early hour. The rule was severely obeyed, for there was nary a chatter within or without the house.

It was only some minutes past eight, and Elizabeth would awake promptly at nine. Did she dare? Rebecca's fingers danced across the keys of the piano. The musical notes sounded eerie in the normally quiet house, penetrating through the walls and halls. She then filled her lungs with air, and began to sing loudly.

Sleep had been fitful that night. Actions from years ago haunted her dreams. The night had drawled on, and as dawn approached Elizabeth finally fell into a light slumber. Her eyelids flickered then opened suddenly, her body jolting into a seated position. Was that a radio? Someone was singing and playing the piano. Elizabeth's faced cringed with pure hate as she shouted,

"Rebecca!" She flung her feet off the bed and into slippers, grabbed her robe which she slipped on in one smooth motion. The music grew louder as she headed for the dining room. The maids stopped their dusting, waxing and polishing, staring at their mistress in astonishment.

Elizabeth pulled on the dining room double doors, but they did not budge to her annoyance. She banged her fist on the door maddeningly.

"Rebecca!" She shouted, "Rebecca! Open this door!" But the music continued without stopping. She turned to the servants.

"Where are they?" They looked at her confused. "Where are the bloody keys?!" She screamed. Frightened, they lowered their gaze, desperate to avoid any wrath.

"Well don't just stand there you idiots, go find it!" They hustled to do her bidding, bumping into each other like blind bats. Elizabeth continued banging on the door and calling her stepdaughter's name.

Finally, the singing and playing faded, yet Elizabeth kept on banging. Suddenly, the door opened, and Elizabeth almost lost her balance. Ignoring the older woman, Rebecca stepped into the hallway, turning left and right. She frowned at her stepmother.

"Elizabeth, is everything alright? My, the way you're carrying on I could have sworn all hell had broken loose." Rebecca stated, a hint of concern in her tone. Her stepmother straightened her spine until she was a full height, her breathing ragged. Loathing shone in her glassy eyes, and malice dripped from her every word as she inquired,

"Did you not hear me calling, and banging this door? Furthermore, who told you that you could call me by name? And why in heaven's name is this door locked?"

"Why Elizabeth, to keep from waking you."

"Stop calling me by my name you unmannerly imp!"

"But it is your name, isn't it?"

"Not for you to call."

"I see. Well, why did you want to see me, and most importantly why are you downstairs in your robe? This is very unladylike of you, ma'am." Elizabeth stared at her stepdaughter blankly, finally registering her attire. The girl was dressed in her mother's damn clothes again. Elizabeth composed herself before the rage engulfed her, but was unable to mask the trace of malice in her voice.

"You!" She said, pointing a manicured nail at her stepdaughter. "Know nothing about being a lady, and you'll never be one." Like a cape, her silk robe billowed as Elizabeth sauntered past her stepdaughter.

"If you're a lady, then I'm definitely happy to not be one, because I certainly don't want to be like you." Elizabeth's footstep halted, and after a second delay she answered,

"I'll get you for that Rebecca, rest assured that I will." With her head held proudly in the air, she ascended the stairs.

Two hours later, Elizabeth walked into the living room. Her fingers were sore, a little stiff, and her knuckles were slightly red and bruised. The hot bath water had soothed much of the swelling and pain. Rebecca did this, have her pounding doors in her own house, she thought disgusted. And there like an innocent flower sat the very object that disgusted her. She took a deep breath and walked into the room. The girl appeared to be deep in thought, while reading from the book she held.

"Rebecca, there you are." Elizabeth said pleasantly, while smiling sweetly. "What are you reading, dear, and how has it managed to captivate your interest?" Rebecca studied her cautiously, wondering at the game she played.

"I'm reading history for school. I have to write a paper during the summer." She answered equally pleasantly.

"Oh my dear, you study way too hard. Look at your face and skin, it's pallid. You're indoors too much, dear. Come now, the servants readied the chauffeur and he's waiting to drive you anywhere you would like." She plucked the book from her stepdaughter's hand, placed it on the mahogany center table, and briskly walked her to the door.

"The day is already very warm, so you won't need a coat to wear over that charming outfit." It was a challenge and Rebecca knew it. Her stepmother was insisting she leave the refuge of her home, and go out in a dress older than herself, and helplessly out-of-fashion. She accepted the challenge and smiled, for she understood there was more to her stepmother's actions for chucking her out the house. The woman was up to something, and Rebecca did not ask what.

"No, I don't need a coat. I'm perfectly comfortable in what I'm wearing. Some sunscreen will be nice, though."

"You can buy some along the way." Rebecca struggled to keep from laughing. The woman seemed in a hurry to get rid of her.

"Good-bye stepmother." Rebecca pecked her on the cheek, barely containing the joy at seeing the other woman cringed .

"Good-bye sweetheart." Replied Elizabeth with motherly affection, although her smile was becoming strained. Rebecca walked to the waiting car. The chauffeur opened the door and she got in. They drove off. Elizabeth stood a moment longer at the entrance, and as soon as the car was no longer visible, she used her handkerchief to wipe her stepdaughter's kiss off her cheek.

The contempt contorted her features, and she slammed the door. She had business to attend to, and no time to waste. Luckily she wore pants, which allowed her to quicken her steps. The search was on.

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