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A purple light swirled around Theia's body as she stormed into Camp, headed straight towards the Big House, ignoring the curious looks from the campers she passed. She was on strict orders from Chaos to come and aid his army in some sort of earth mission. Something about a cult and her mother and brother rising from it?

The sleeves of her dress fluttered in the wind before falling limply at her sides as she opened the door, instantly regretting not knocking.

Demigods screamed at each other, weapons flew through the air, accompanied by water, shadows and lightning.

"What in the Helios is going on?" Theia demanded and the room froze, staring at the goddess's form in the doorway.

"Divine!" Lee Fletcher rushed over, ignoring the looks from the campers as she had before and wrapped her in a hug.

"Hey, sunshine. I thought you were keeping the idiot team together while I was gone?" She laughed, sticking her tongue out at the team glaring at her.

"Well, it's not our fault that you get a mission on Olympus and leave us completely alone!" Percy muttered, soft enough that Theia could only hear due to her heightened senses, being a goddess and all.

"What was that, Rip Current?" She raised her eyebrows at the ocean eyed boy as she released Lee, who smirked and Percy rolled his eyes.

"You can't just leave to go to Olympus, in the middle of the night, tell no one and then return like nothing happened." He looked her outfit and hair over, which was in a thick braid crown on top of her head with the rest cascading down her back. "What happened to you?"

Theia smiled softly, ignoring his question. "I missed you too, Blue." She sat in a golden chair that appeared behind her and crossed her arms. "So, who's fighting who and why?"

"They tried to attack us!" A girl with blonde hair and grey eyes exclaimed.

She looked exactly like how Percy had described his ex girlfriend, who dumped him for a new Zeus camper, who everyone now hated, and caused him to leave camp in the first place.

"Are you Annabeth Chase?" She asked, narrowing her eyes and the girl nodded. "Then shut the fuck up and let the big kids talk here."

The blonde girl's mouth hung open and Theia turned to Dionysus. "Now, wine boy. What happened here, and don't tell me that you were reading your wine magazine the entire time?"

"The brats started fighting." Dionysus answered, provoking a groan from the exhausted goddess.

"Aren't you just a joy." She muttered darkly before raising her voice to a level that was assertive but not yelling. "Lets be civil, someone introduce themselves-" Annabeth opened her mouth to speak and Theia cut her off with a glare. "-as I was saying, someone I don't currently want to kill, so Annabell, you're forbidden from answering. Anyone other than Annabell can introduce themselves and what you guys mean by 'they attacked us'."

Theia said it in a mocking tone, purposely saying the blonde's name wrong to anger and embarrass her, causing Annabeth's cheeks to flush and a snicker from Percy echoed behind her.

A girl with pale skin, large emerald green eyes, long wavy blonde hair and a thin build stepped forward. Theia recognized her immediately and her purple eyes widened slightly, shock rippling across her features before she quickly steeled them. The Reaper, Amy Poole, daughter of Thanatos and assassin of Chaos, stood before her. It really wasn't looking good if Chaos had sent a goddess he had stationed on Olympus and his highly trained Assassin to the demigod camp.

"Ah," The goddess let out a sigh before the assassin could speak. "Reaper dear, don't you usually hunt alone?"

The pale girl smirked and took a seat across from Theia. "Normally. But Chaos insisted and nobody, not even us two, can tell him no."

The Goddess of divine light nodded before continuing. "Ain't that the truth. Now, dear, why were the demigods trying to fight the team of idiots Chaos commands?"

Amy traded glances with Lee, Micheal and Luke, who nodded, seemingly reluctant. "Now, before we start, you can't get mad and go killing someone-"

"I'd be more likely to blind someone, but okay." Theia piped up but the assassin ignored the goddess, causing her to smile. She always had liked the girl's attitude.

"- so basically, Micheal, Bianca and Castor revealed themselves."

"So things are going great then? Right? You guys were taught to only reveal yourselves if you're comfortable enough to do so or.." Her voice trailed off as it dawned on her. "Did you do it to make them happy or trust you?"

The group exchanged glances, worry in their eyes. Light swirled around her fingers and seeped out of the edge of her eyes before disappearing like winged eyeliner. Lee stepped forward, eyeing the mist cautiously.

"Don't get angry and hurt someone." He said and the goddess rolled her eyes again.

"Who was it?" Her voice was soft but demanding.

His response was pointing at the blonde girl seated at the head of the table. Her icy glare focused on Annabeth before she sighed, shook her hand and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Lee's voice sounded like a concerned parent.

"I need to release some energy before I lose control. I'll be back in like 30 minutes or so?" She called over her shoulder, opening the door.

"Be careful, don't kill anyone and most definitely don't you dare go drinking in those 30 minutes." Lee's voice floated through the open door and Theia mostly tuned it out. "Are you even listening to me?"

The goddess turned around, finding the boy at the door, arms crossed, foot tapping impatiently. My titan council, he looked exactly like a disapproving mother.

"Yeah, yeah. Something bout drinking, no killing mortals, safety." She muttered under her breath, looking around at the camp.

"I'm more worried about you killing Athena." He answered, stepping onto the grass.

The goddess eyes took on a golden hue. "So a daughter of Athena, huh? I had my suspicions. I promise I won't kill the goddess."

With the final word, she slowly dissolved into the air, teleporting herself onto a sunny spot of grass in front of a temple for Athena.

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟷𝟶𝟻𝟶

A/N: Any ideas for a name for this 'son of Zues'? Tell me if you do. What's Theia gonna do to Athena's temple? What happened between her and Lee? What happened to Percabeth? Will they ever get back together?

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