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"A beautiful journal for a beautiful girl. You can read through it if you want. Selene might have hidden a secret or two about the family or the moon chariot or Eos or Helios to be honest. She used to write in that thing every night before I would try to coax her to bed, not that she ever did." Theia ranted, standing up and stretching her arms with a yawn. "Well, I gonna go join Camilla. I'll see you guys in the morning."

She left the room after kissing the team on the forehead goodnight and patting Artemis on the back, smiling softly at her.

The moment Theia landed on the bed, completely ignoring the PJ's she had laid out, she collapsed into a dream of war, blood, and death.


Theia woke up to sunlight streaming through the curtains, which were blowing in the early morning breeze. Pulling herself out of the comfort of her bed, careful not to wake Camilla, she made her way down the stairs where she could hear voices coming from the kitchen. The team must have decided to eat in the cabin this morning.

"Hello people!" Theia sang as she walked in, headed straight towards the fridge. She poured herself a bowl of Captain Crunch and took a seat at the counter, with Percy on her right and Luke on her left.

"Morning T." Percy glanced over from his toast with a smile.

"Any updates on the rest of the team?" She glanced around, finding almost the entire team awake, besides Zoe and Castor. 

"Got an iris message from them this morning. They're doing great and should be back with us within the span of today and tomorrow." Luke announced and the group cheered. Ethan, Alabaster, Achillies and Patroclus had been on a mission to a separate planet for the past month, which amounted to about a year in their time on that planet. 

Theia happily scanned the team's faces when her gaze snagged on a silver flash. Artemis slipped out of her view a second too late. The goddess of divine light rolled her eyes but the image was ruined by the ghost of a smile on her tan face. 

She slid the back cabin door open, poked her head out and spotted Artemis in the brush. "Artemis, hun, what are you doing in the bushes?"

She spun around startled but relaxed when she saw the other goddess. "Oh, I just wanted to return Selene's journal but didn't want to interrupt your breakfast."

She ginned sheepishly, handed the book back and turned to walk the other way. Theia's free hand latched onto Artemis's shoulder. She reminded her of Selene. When she was younger, before she had become a mother and moved away. 

"Nonsense, hun, you're not interrupting a thing. Come inside and sit down." She said, guiding her towards the door, journal tucked under her arm.

"I really don't want to intrude-" The older goddess cut the moon goddess off.

"I assure you, the most you're interrupting is a soon to be fight." Theia slid the door shut behind her and walked into the kitchen. She found Percy and Luke wrestling on the floor, Lee, Bianca, and Micheal were yelling at each other. Zoe and Castor were still missing. Silena and Beckendorf were nowhere to be found while Amy was throwing knives at everyone. 

She stopped in the middle of the room, watching with an amused smile teasing her lips. A breeze ruffled her long blonde hair and she froze, following the knife's path and found it implanted into the wall beside her. The room fell silent as everyone realized what had happened, except for Amy who was smirking.

Theia slowly removed the knife from the wall and dropped it on her shoe. The hilt hit the base of her shoe and it bounced up, into her waiting hand and she threw it at the assassin, who caught with a look of boredom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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