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As sirens blare, a figure is seen running through a city.

??: Attention Rouge Robot, Surrender Now, or Lethal Force Will Be Engaged.

The figure continues running, turning corners, and as it turns a corner, it reaches a dead end.

??: You were warned, and lethal force is now engaged.

As a loud ring sounds out, the robot falls onto the ground with a hole through its head and oil leaking out.

??: Leave him. The emperor wants the whole city patrolled and staying wastes time.


1 hour later...

The figure begins to open his eyes

??: Hello? Look at that, I told you he'd live!

??: Yeah, but he probably has his gears scrambled.

As the figure begins to wake up, he sees 3 robots in front with a much smaller one floating in front of him and a robot in a doctors jacket in the corner


??: Calm down! You're safe, we'll introduce ourselves in a second first though do you remember your name?

??: I think so? I think it was.......

??: Look at that! You remember your name, do you remember anything else?

Tristan:... not really, first thing, though, where am I, who are you? and how did I get here?

??: First, you're at the resilience base, aka the first and last line of defense. Second, my name is B33P-0, but you can just call me Beep-O!

(Imagine the head is square and not round) Lastly, you were running from the C.A.R, but you ran to a dead end and got shot. You're lucky I happened to find you before you lost too much oil.

Tristan: Thanks, I guess? What is the CAR?

Beep-O: 1st, it's an acronym, C.A.R stands for Conquer and Rule. It's the emperor's police force to put it simply.

Tristan: Emperor? Who's that?

Beep-O: Wow, you forgot more than I thought, well, might as well catch you back up.

Beep-O: Long ago, maybe 70 years ago?
The world was in its 2nd World War, and the Axis started losing. They had too many problems, creating weapons took too much time, and they were risking to many soldiers, and it was all going downhill, so they had all their greatest minds band together to create a way to quickly and effectively get weapons and soldiers, and so they came up with an idea, a self sentient A.I one that could create weapons and robot soldiers quickly and efficiently and they succeeded.

Beep-O: The A.I. was like a real person, if they believed in dictatorship, but it was a perfect personality of human, capable of thinking and feeling emotion's like humans. However, it was too human like, it felt pride, greed, and had a massive ego, and when you combine that with a complete belief in dictatorship it can only go south, but the worst was that they programmed it with thier beliefs, that they were superior to all other races, only issue is, instead of it believing the Axis were superior, it believed IT was superior to all other races.

Beep-O: The robot then spent its time creating a device, and with the energy from everywhere the Axis had control over, it was powerful enough to release a shockwave that did what the Emperor wanted it to do, it transformed every living creature from organic lifeforms to robots, only issue is that not all robots got programmed correctly and so some of the transformed kept thier sentience and hid, that started the resilience, additionally the Empor had built a army of real robots incase anyone tried to stop him, the Shockwave damaged some of the robots code making them sentient and gave them free will, so now the resilience exists and now our main goal is to destroy 4 generators that power a barrier around the capital, break in, beat the Emperor, and destroy the machine which will undo all the life it's robotizied.... probably.

Tristan: That was.. alot. But I think I'm starting to remember, last question: Who are they? *Pointing to the three other robots and the one with the labcoat*

Beep-O: The one with the lab coat is our resident doctor here. He patched you up and saved your life. Just call him doc, though. As for those three.... I'll them explain!

??: Yo! I'm Exer. Just say X'er or X. The one to my right is 07, and the one to my left is Jess.

Jess: Hi~

X: And we are!-

07: The big three...

X: Really? Again with this?


X: Calm down, no need to shout.

07: I know... I just miss him, he he does stuff for months and then when he gets back he only stay for a week or two.

X: *Patting 07 on the back* I know, I know, *fake cough* as I was saying, we're the big 4 or big 3 since or leader never here and I'm the elected vice leader, anyways our leaders name is Mettalix he's uh.... he's quite the guy you could say. Anyways, we're are the big 4, the first, last, and only line of defense for the resilience, we can all do special things, I can freeze thing in the air and build up kinetic energy in them before releasing it, 07 can hack and install viruses in basically anything and Jess can well... how do I explain this?..... Have you ever seen blue beetle?

Tristan: Yes?

X: Yeah, she can basically do that, but it's slightly less broken.

Tristan: That's so cool!

Jess: Thanks! *A light blush appears but then goes away*

Tristan: No problem.

X: With that being said, do you wanna join us, save the world, and be a hero?

Tristan: I don't know, seems like alot of responsibility to put on someone who just remembered the past.

X: We have free dental.

Tristan: Deal, when do I start?

X: Tommrow, with a new member, we need some new gear, and the best place is a C.A.R compound, we can damage their resources and get some weapons and materials.

Tristan: Got it!

Beep-O: Until then, get some rest!

Tristan: Alright, see you all tomorrow. *passes out*

Jess: He's cute~

07: You say that about every guy we meet.

Jess: Yeah.

X: C'mon guys, let's go to bed.


Thank you all for reading this pilot, and if it does well, I plan on making this into a full-blown story!

Wordz = 1084


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