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after few minutes

I came out to and started dressing, i wore a balck jeans and a waist length white shirt getting ready to head out when--


"what was that ??" i turned to the door " bang!bang!bang!" I flinch to the sound again, I went to the door and peeked through the hole "I told you to open the door! Open it! Open the door! You asshole!" the woman bang her head into hyun su's house as she shouted, blood dripping everywhere all over the door and the floor, suddenly we heard a guitar sound from the floor above, so that lady went to above floor following the sound, I was scared, if that lady was banging at my door I would have fainted, poor boy, I should check up on him, so I grabbed one of my kunai in case if that lady returned, I opend my door and before I could close it hyun su came out with a stick aming all the sides and running near the staricase, I closed my door and ran behind him, hyun su stopped on his tracks looking at the gangster, I don't know his name because we never talked before, to be true he never talked to anyone in this apartment,"Did you see a weird woman just now?" hyun su asked the gangster and suddenly fainted.

Gangster lifted him and asked me "which one is his room??". "1410"I said in one word because he was scary than that werid lady. the gangster lifted him and went to hyun su's room, I followed him to hyun su's room, after placing him on the bed the gangster asked me "just take care of him I will go and check the upstaris" I just nodded at him, gangster left the room closing the door, I sat on the bed and checked my phone to make a call but to my luck there is no tower, I got up because I heard werid noises near the window so I went near to check, I was shocked because there were monsters all over the place each were in different kind, is it the world end??, I should have listen to the alert message anyway its too late.

I sat tired thinking how am I gonna survive in this world suddenly the door opend I look at the entrance to see the gangster guys with another girl, he asked her to stay here as he went out and closed the door. " hey! I am yoon ji su, what's your name? and what happend to him?"the girl introduced her self, my attention went from the door to her getting up myself and bowing at her "hello, I am lee y/n, he fainted in shock because of a werid woman" I said "that werid woman was here huh? I saw that woman too, I was playing guitar when someone knocked i went to check and saw a werid woman, she started to bang her head on my door when I refused to open it" ji su said " oh that's you, she was banging at his door when suddenly a guitar sound came and she left following the sound" I said " looks like I bought danger to myself" she said as we chuckled, " I feel like I should check if there is any survivor left so will you please stay with him ??" ji su asked me "oh yeah I will, just take care of your self" I said, she nodded and left "now we are alone again" I said looking at the sleeping boy, I fall next to hyun su in the bed and went to sleep holding my kunai tightly.


I woke after the bright sun rays hit my face, I got up and sat on the bed next to hyun su who was still asleep, after some minutes I got up and went to bathroom to wash my face, after sometimes I came out wiping my face with a towel, I saw hyun su got up and sitting on his bed "oh hyun su you got up? how are you feeling ?" I asked casually, hyun su looked at me confusingly and asked "how do you know my name??" I stopped on my tracks, I totally forgot we were classmates in high school and now he is goona think I wantedly ignore him in school not being friends with but now acts like I care for him, how could I explain that I was hurt looking at him getting bullied but couldn't do anything because of my own situtation, "umm...we...we were...classmates...in high school" I said slowly, hyun su's expression changed from blank to sad or dissappointment , I couldn't read his expression clearly "oh" he said and looked down "look i didn't mean to ignore you that tim--" he cutted me " its ok, I understand its not your fault" he said not looking at me "but--"he again cutted me "please don't make me remember that again" he said looking at the floor "ok " I said and sat next to him " I am lee y/n, call me y/n ok?" I said as he looked at my face then again turned his attention to the floor "ok" he said I went to kitchen to look for something to eat, after sometimes I looked at him to ask him if he has any food left but I stopped in shock looking at him, hyun su was standing near the window holding his nose as blood started to flow from his nose like a open tap, he looked at me and went to the bathroom closing the door, I was standing there shocked I couldn't believe that hyun su gonna turn into monster. hyun su came out after some time wiping his face with a towel "y/n I know you are scared so just go to your room, its ok i can manage alone" he said looking at the floor "shut up, I am not going anywhere " I said. he looked at me. he slowly walked towards the computer, sat in front of it and started typing something, I went near and sat beside him, he was scrolling through something and stopped at something

"It's not a disease.

It's a curse.



They complained of frequent nosebleeds...

...and auditory hallucinations.

The cause could not be determined.

They weren't from here originally.

They came here
because they showed symptoms.

They turned into miserable,
desperate beings.

Every prediction was wrong.

It suddenly begins one day

and it never stops.

I was consumed by it, too.

Humans will not be able to overcome this.

If you have symptoms,
kill yourself before it's too late

because being alive will harm others.

But if you decide to live to the end,

there's something you must know.

-That is...
-That is...


hyun su refreshed the page trying to look for it again but its a wast of time,"crucru?" I said "who is he??,do you know him??"I asked "No" hyun su replied, it was a awkward sclience I noticed hyun su thinking something 'is he thinking to die?' I thought 'I should do something to distract him, what do I do??' I thought, "do you have anything to eat ? "I asked him suddenly "nothing in this room except the ramen package I got is outside the door" hyun su said as we looke dat the door "I will take you stay here " I said. "no I will" hyun su got up before me and went near to the door "he is stubborn too" I said to myself, hyun su looked through the peek hole and slowly opend the door, suddenly a hand from outside opend the door, hyun su stopped on his tracks, I crawled to the corner to take my kunai, hyun su sat near the door trying take the stick, looking at the monster half head cut "i can't see" he was saying that again and again,I looked at hyun su with a finger on my lips, telling him to be quiet he just nodded, but he moved a little to get the stick suddenly the monster attacked, I closed my eyes not look at, I thought it attacked hyun su but I opned my eyes to see the monster hand turned into a spike which poked the speaker for making a noise "I heard you" It said. Then it slowly made it way to the door I hold my breath when it crosses hyun su, I hold my kunai tightly incase the monster try to attack hyun su after sensing him, gladly that didn't happen the monster went out while hyun su closed the door slowly, we let out a long breath, " looks like craving food become illegal" I said, hyun su didn't react to it " yah are you a walking dead, letting a chuckle will turn you into a monster ??" I asked, Hyun su just looked at the floor, I let out a sigh "I have food in my house, I will go and get it " I said as I got up "its too dangerous" hyun su said "if we didn't eat something we will die, isn't that dangerous??" I asked "Be careful" huyn su said, I nodded and took out my kunai, holding tightly I came out slowly, I looked both sides then went to my room, I came in and packed all the foods I could get, then I took the kunai I had, I had 7 of them, 5 are seperate and 2 are tied in a rope together, I sharpen all the kunai and throw them in the wall to see if I am aiming correctly, I had a belt to keep the kuna, I took a axe in case if i use all my kunai, so placing them on the belt I came out holding the bags, I went to his room, I opned the door to see hyun su was got rolled by a giant eye, hyun su looked like he is stuck in a snake's roll but instead of snakes head there was a giant eye,

"this boy can get into trouble easily" I said as I looked shocked


that's all for today guys hope you like this chapter, if you want it even longer please ask me, byeeee

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