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"he threatend me while he did the same thing" I said to myself and closed my eyes leaning on the wall

           Time passed slowly, It soo hard to be alone I don't know how hyun su managed to be here, then is heard smashing sound like someone is beating someone so hard, 'is there a zombie break in??' I thought, but I couldn't get out because the door was locked, after sometimes the place became silent, few hours passed hyun su opned the door and came in closing the door "What's the noise?" I asked "jin wook killed yoon jae after beating him"hyun su said "whats the reason?" I asked "before this outbreak he kiddnaped a little girl, tourchored and murdered her"hyun su said with blank face "serves him right " I said thinking how  digustingly he behaved to me, this incident changed the my point of view of jin wook from bad to good, maybe he is good inside but we all assumed him bad because he looks scary, then hyun su sat next to me "do you know ms.im?" he asked "yeah that kind lady who lost her child??I know her" I said "she turned into a monster" hyun su said "what?? I thought she would be forever human because of her kindness, I know wouldn't wish to see her killing people" I said "actually she didn't totally changed into monster, she just turned into a big womb with a baby inside,"he said "then that means, what people desire the most, that type of monster they will become??" I asked "yes" hyun su said "then what did you desire the most ??" I asked hyun su, he didn't say anything, "yah why are you not speaking, tell me what you deire the most??" I asked tapping him "I.....I wanted all the...people to.....disappear" hyun su said looking down, then I came to remember how his past was, how he was torchured, how he couldn't trust anyone near him, I wanted to change that but in the end I was also the one who lied to him about being monster, that made me so guilty, I couldn't say anything, then time passed, we went to sleep as it was night time, hyun su slept on the table and I slept it on a table across the room opposite to hyun su, he was asleep but I couldn't because guilty is eating me, "sorry hyun su " I said to myself quietly looking at him, then I promised myself "anyway hyun su will find out that I am not a monster after that I am sure he won't talk to me until then I should make him laugh, make him think he is not lonely" I promised myself

                                 The next day,after our breakfast hyun su was sitting in his usual knees to chest way, I wanted to distract him so I went near and sat next to him I called him for a game but he refused but somehow I made him play the game he looked annoyed at first but he then started enjoying, after years for the first time I saw him laugh whole heartedly that was really satisfying, after 1 hour eun hyuk came and took hyun su as usual  breaking the fun, after some hours hyun su came finishing his task with some wounds, after treating him, we started to ask riddles each other and that fun went along filling the whole day with laughs. two, three days went on like that, one day after a good game hyun su went for his task, after he went I layed on his table where he usually lay and started to think some game to play when he returns, I closed my eyes feeling tired when I felt someone hovering above me, I opend my eyes to see Mr.Kim seok hyun hovering over me already turned into monster, his body, face everything covered in hair, he started to strangle me, I tried to take take my axe but all my weapon are on my table which is across the room "how can I forget he is turing into monster?" I question myself, with the fun we had on past days we totally forget there is old man sitting there in the sofa turning into a monster day by day, but there is no use in regretting , I tried to take its hand away from my neck, I was starting to get scared, I was getting dizzy with the last energy I had , I kicked the monster with my full force, he left my neck and landed on the floor, I left a long breath, the monster got up and went out slowly, the alarm started to ring then I knew everyone is alert, so I sat and started to cry because that much my heart is beating because I was horrified, In the last minute I even thought I would die.

                 After sometime hyun su walked in angryly, his eyes are black, but I didn't care,I went and hugged him "That..that monster....tried to strangle mee...I have no.. weapon..I..I didn't expect...him to become monster.....I even....thought..I would diee" I said crying, I look at him, his eyes turned normal but he was having a blank expression, he pushed me slowly "Lee Y/N can you stop act like you are caring me " he said, I was confused "I know you are not a monster, I saw a scar in your hand few days before so stop your acting, don't act like you care me, I know you are being with me because you know I won't turn monster, that is why to save your butt you are hidding behind me thinking whatever comes I will save you, if you really cared for me you would have shown that in high school when I was bullied, you would have talked to me when that asshole said not to talk to me but you fucking didn't. that shows your true nature, just stop it ok??I am already done with people like you " hyun su said looking  angrily, his eyes showed pure rage enough of everything, then I took a deep breath "finished ??" I asked getting ready to break out my point of view "Yess I faked being a ifectee because I fucking love, not now but from school before you got bullied I fell for you the moment I saw you in the starting year of high school, I fucking fell for that cute smile and yes I didn't have guts to confess because of that I still cry over regret, I couldn't look at you getting beaten up, It fucking hurts to see you face full of blood, yeah I lost my chance In high school but god gave me another chance to be with you to care you, to hide you from all of the people hurting you and what you call that'hiding behind you to save my but??'" I said rage in my eyes "and what did you asked 'if I care for you I would have done it when you got bullied ??' but I didn't do anything, then you should have fucking asked me why?? even I tried to make you understand my situation you didn't let me what did you say?? 'pls don't bring it up I don't want to remember' then why did you bring it up now huh?? to come over my guilt for lying to you I tried to distract you from this mess and I even succeded it for past 5 days but what you call that 'fake ??' " I was angry that he burst out without asking reason, I couldn't talk anymore, tears are swelling in my eyes, hyun su was just looking at me, I couldn't be weak in front of him so I went behind the sofa in the middle of the room where that old man was sleeping and sat on the floor to hide from him, I thought he would follow me but he didn't, knees to my chest I cried silently, hours passed....

I heard some one talking it is Ms.Ahn sun young, she came to give dinner to us, I heard hyun su asking how well she is because she lost her husband.  "y/n come get your food" Hyun su yelled slowly " I am not hungry " I said in a low voice, I didn't get a reply so I thought no dinner tonight and tried to sleep leaning on the sofa, I felt someone sat next to me, I opned my eyes to see hyun su with 2 plates sat next to me from right side, So I turned to left side "sorry" hyun su said and I didn't reply "I couldn't trust anyone around me, I was always surrounded with fake people that's why I couldn't accept when I found you are lying" hyun su said "I know you burst out because you were holding too long,I know you were done with people that's why you wish people to disappear" I said still facing left "then that mean do you forgive me??" hyun su asked "yeah I forgave you" I said still facing left "then why are you still not looking at me, come eat if you eat,then I will eat" he said "I forgave you but I am still angry" I said "what should I do now??" hyun su asked " make me smile or laugh " I said still facing left side, I was hungry so I took my plate and started to eat, after finishing I look back to see hyun su was looking down thinking something he still didn't eat, I turn back not looking at his face I took his plate and kept on his lap "eat and think" I said he suddenly shot up indicating he is ready with some joke, so I got ready try not to laugh or smile, he made me look at him he was looking nervouse, I was confused, he kept his plate a bit far away I was looking at his plate "why-" He cutted me by catching my waist and pulled me closer our body collied, his hand on my bare waist because of the crop top send shivers to my chest heating up my whole body, then he came closer and our lips met, he bit my lower lip gently, I responded to him, then as time passed the kiss became harder biting each other lower lip sucking them, then we parted a little our faces inch apart, he started the kiss first so I thought its my turn to start, my hands on his shoulder I kissed him forcefuly, with the force he backed a little taking his hands away from my hip to hold him back, sitting on his lap, I supported him with my leg on back side and pulled his hand to place on my waist, I don't know how long we kissed after sometime we backed off, our faces inch apart, our both faces were red, he kissed my fore head and I smiled "look I won" hyun su said "so you kissed me just to make me smile?" I asked "no because I wanted to kiss you for really long time" hyuns su said which confused me "what do you mean ?" I asked "I too had a crush on you in high school" he said looking down, I smiled and getting down I took his plate and gave it to him "you feed me" hyun su said "now you are being cheesy " I said "I just wated to enjoy this before I turned in" he said and realised something "y/n get out".......


Finally a kiss scene ...gives me chills..... anyway

That's all for today guys hope you like it 

sorry for not publishing yesterday because I had network problem anyway see you next day 


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