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                                                      suddenly something from the shadows grabbed my hand in which i was holding axe, it looked like a octopus tentacles, the hold tighten so i dropped my axe, suddenly more tentacles came and caught me holding tightly then something came from the shadows, it was a lady's head and from the neck part there were lots of tentacles most of them holding me, it came near me "don't come near me I will kill you " I said being scared, it came near to my face and opned its mouth, I felt dizzy in a minute everything went black.......

After few hours.....

    I woke up, it was dark, I felt like I was inside something like a egg, It was sticky all over the place, I tried to open it but it didn't open, then I tried to kicked but still it didn't move, gladly I had kunai still in my belt, I took it and started to poke on the egg gladly it started to break and finally the egg broke, all the sticky substance poured out,  I came out, sticky substance was all over me, I saw another egg so I borke it incase if someone was stucked like me, inside  was another someone but he has no skin only muscles surrounded him, I checked his pulse but he was dead already,'was I supposed die like that' I thought, then I heard some noise, I checked the surrounding  it was an room, I saw a closet so I went and hid inside it , through a crack I checked which monster came in, it was the same monster which I saw before fainting, it went near the egg I was in, after realising it was broken It started to shout, holding my kunai I charged at the monster, I stabbed it on its center head, it went unconscious and fell down, I know it will wake up after few minutes 

                                           so I quickly went out of the room closing the door, to my shock there was another monster just like the same monster thatbI had made unconsious but instead of woman head it has a male head, it was looking at me, with courage I charged at it but before I could land on it, its tentacles caught and throw me to the other side, I landed on the floor, I couldn't move my legs its paining like hell, then my hand grabbed something, it was my axe, holding my axe I looked at the monster who Is now coming at my side, I got up kneeling, its tentacales tryed to grab me, so cut its tentacles, the monster took a look on its cutted tantacales then at me, with fueled anger it charged at me again, I got up and cutted its head from the top till the bottom after clicking the button in the axe, then monster fell down into two pieces, I stumbled to get out there, finally I came out I don't how long I have been in the egg, I went to the room 1408 like a walking dead, I opend the door to see no one in the house, it was empty, I got scared thinking that a monster came in and took Mr.Han but until something caught my eyes, its a sticky noted sticked on the table 

                                               " y/n Its been days you haven't returned, Incase if you retured you might be reading this note now, I'm not dead ok??, just come to groung floor, all the survivors are there so if you are safe then come here "

                                              Mr.han really hoped i was alive , anyway I thought I would fresh up before returning to the ground floor, I went to my room and got fresh up bathing in shower, I changed to full black track pants and a black crop top, putting my hair into a pony tail, I kept a small knife in my pocket then I went out with my kunai in the belt and axe in hand, I was walking down slowly phone in the pocket, head set in my one ear, As I crossed each floor, my head set will make a sound, without caring I walked slowly, I even got a bag full of ramen and some snacks which I got from 13th floor, finally I came to the ground floor, I tried to open the door, but it was locked, they really did made sure to be safe, so I knocked on the door so they would have the idea it is a human, after few minutes, someone opned the door it was the gangster guy, he looked at me for some seconds and started to climb the stairs, he didn't have any weapons but a key with a red colour toy keychain, "is he wanted to die?" I asked to myself, then I turned around to see many people than expected gathered holding whatever they had to safe guard them selves, I came down, I am tired of explaining so I took the knife I kept in the pocket ealier, I showed my left palm to them and made a cut in front of them, they realised that i am not a monster, so they losen their grip from the weapons as I got down, 

                                   A handsome guy with glasses came near me "I am Lee Eun Hyuk, I am managing this place, where were you all this time, I mean you could have come earlier" eun hyuk asked "I am lee Y/n, Mr.Han send me to collect foods but a monster captured me some how i escaped and went to the room to find a note, mr. han asked me to come to ground floor, and now i am here" I said "oh, you know mr.han, anyway what is your age??"  eun hyuk asked "19"I said "oh, if you a bit older then I wuld let you to get food or safe guard since you killed  a monster but too bad your are still young so you must stay with the survivors in the day care ok??" eun hyuk said " that's nonsense, look I escaped not 1 but 2 monsters at the same time but still you are thinking I am not capable??" I said "yes"eun hyuk said and went to managing room.

                                  "y/n??" someone called me, I turned to look at Mr.Han "y/n your still alive I'm glad, I was sure you are not dead" mr.han said exicited "you know when you didn't return hyun su become mad and was desperate to come look for you but after sometimes he realised and went silent" mr.han said "hyun su is still alvie ??" I asked "didn't I mention in that note " mr.han asked "no" I said "I would have forgotten anyway now you know and also he brought the childrens safely " mr.han said pointing at two childrens and I nodded "where is hyun su now ??" I asked "we isolated him because he had symptoms"mr.han said quitely "he still didn't change it is almost a week then that means we could control the monster, thats amazing but if he could control it why you still isolated him " I asked "we are scared that he might turn in one day so we isolated him, we let him out to get things people wanted from the houses above"someone from the group of people came in front and said "the what?? you uses him but still locked him up?? you selfish people " I said as I glared at him "look...its just....." He blaberred "what?? tell, but you can't because its the truth " I said he backed off slowly,  " where is he ??" I asked "go straight first then left he is locked up you can't get inside just talked to him through the gate" someone said as I stromed off "hypocrites" I said to myself, I went to direction and came to the room, door locked next to it has a gate from it I peeked and searched hyun su, I saw him sitting  on the table knees to his chest, his head buried in between his knees,it was soo hurting to look at him in this poor state "hyun su?" I called, he slowly lift his head "y/n??" he got up and came to me "you are still alive" hyun su said and I nodded  "how are you ?" I asked "I am feeling so bad, I couldn't express my emotions, I feel blank " He said " its ok don't worry I will definetly come and meet you everyday ok don't feel sad I am there for you, I hate these hypocrite people locking you up"I said "Look girl if he gets released then I should get released too, not to mentions that will never happen, these people will never let us " a man in is fifties said in a angry expression " even the people let him I wouldn't" he said and got inside "hyun su I am sorry you have to deal with this" I said "you don't ask sorry you didn't do anything ok?? now go take rest" he said , I nodded and went to daycare, the whole time hyun su taked to me with blank expression, 'is he talking to me as a formality or did he really cared for me because he knows me longer than anyone here

                                     I ate my food in the day care, I didn't talked to anyone, I was soo angry with these people, I couldn't sleep on that night did i got my old feelings again??, i was soo confused, morning came I woke up without knowing when I doze off, then i heard something that shocked me..................


I think i made a mistake,In the real series gangster went as hyun su also went with him to get mr.han but let that be the change, hyun su already brought mr. han and others with ji su and jae hyeon after they came, gangster went with keys in that mean time you came ok??

with that I end this todays chapter thank you for reading this story see you tommorrow


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