Visiting the Xavier Institute/Rage

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(After spending time with Lana and getting to know the autobots. Even if they had to lie to Fowler, Miko, and Raf. About why he, Rouge, and Laura had come. Currently, Logan is flying the X-jet while Rouge sits in the co-pilot seat and helps him steer. Laura was with Arcee and Lana in the cargo bay. Where she was watching Lana train how to use her claws)

" ( Blocks Lana's claws and then weaves out of the way of five swipes from). You're getting better little sister. ( Tries to sweep and kick Lana only for her to jump over it and then tackles her to the ground as the two tussle around on the ground). But you've still got a long way to go." Said  Laura as she was kicked away by Lana. " Yeah, but I'm getting better and faster for shore. " Said  Lana as she clashed claws with Laura. 

" ( Listens to the sounds of claws clashing and then smiles. While landing the X-jet in the hangar). Hey you two, get ready. We've made it back to the institute. Arcee,  whatever you do. Do not transform and keep your energon dampener on. Hank has a scanner that will detect your energon signature." Said  Wolverine. " What about me, what do I do?" Asked Lana. " You could pretend that you are a clone like me but were able to get all three claws. Or you could mainly use your telepathic powers. Whichever one you choose, we'll play off of whatever one you choose." Said Laura as they exited the X-jet while Lan wheeled Arcee out of the jet.

" ( Walks through the institute with Lana right behind her. Then walks into Charles's office). Charles, we found her. I'd like you to meet Lana Darby." Said Rouge as  Charles went over to  Lana in his hover chair. " It is good to finally meet you, Lana. I would go into detail, but we are not the only telepath that's here. For now (Sends her an image of a room and the directions on where to find it in the institute). Why don't you get some rest." Said Charles. " ( Nods her head). Thank you sir, I will. " Said Lana as she left the office. " ( Looks at Rouge and then notices how her mind is on a certain subject). So, she is the new host for the primordial." Said Charles. " Yes, and she's happy with her new host. She's even helped the young girl learn how to control her power. Something she's never done with Jean. Speaking of that, is she here?" Said Rouge. 

(Professor Xavior)

" Yes, Jean has been adamant about learning Lana's location

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" Yes, Jean has been adamant about learning Lana's location. Which power has she chosen to wield? I will need you, Logan, and Laura to train her in the danger room." Said Charles. " I don't know yet. Bet if she chooses the claws, we have a back story for her and I'm sure the phoenix will keep her mind protected." Said  Rouge as she left the office, while putting up a mental barrier. The minute she reached downstairs. The minute she spotted Jean and Scott.  " ( notices  Rouge walk through the nearby hallway and then runs over to her). Rouge, where have you been? You missed out on training. " Said Jean. " Sorry, I was hanging out with some friends." Said Rouge as she walked to the living room.  " ( Follows Rouge to the living room). Well, have you seen Logan I wanted to talk to him." Said Jean. "That's new, you barely even talk to him. Especially after what happened way back then."  Said Rouge as she turned on the TV and began to watch Ridiculousness. While Jean looks down with gilt. " So, he still hasn't forgiven me for what I did." Said Jean. " Nope, neither has Laura as you can clearly see." Said Rouge as she heard Jean walk away. 

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