3☆Bestfriends meet again☆3

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•☆Deans POV☆•

Today woke up at 6 am, Sam woke me up because he wanted to pick up Gabriel, his new friend and the brother of Cas.

I got a black ACDC shirt from my dads closet, white ripped skinny jeans and my dads leather jacket that he gave to me.

I went down stairs to the kitchen, seeing Sam already sitting there. He had a bowl of cereal in front of him.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead" Sam said when he heard me. "Haha, very funny. Go brush your teeth" I told him. He got up and went to the bathroom.

I heard my phone go off. Who's texting me so early?

I found my phone and saw that Castiel had texted me, an immediate smile creeped up my face.


Cas; Hey, morning, are you in school today? I need a friend to get through the day.

Aw, he says that we are friends.

Dean; Yeah, of course. I don't have many friends myself, most of them are the guys from the soccer team, but they aren't even real friends haha.

Cas; Well, I'm happy to be your friend Dean ;)


Dean; Same here. But I gotta go, I'll see you in a few minutes because Sam wants to pick up Gabriel, so i figured that you can come with us ;)

Cas; I'd love to!


Sam came into the room, his hair was perfectly smooth and he had a shady grin on his face. "Why are you smiling and blushing, Dean? Who's the girl?" Sam asked, still with that scary grin on his face.

"Boy actually, but it doesn't matter, let's go" I said, changing the subject.

We went out to the car and went to Cas and Gabes house, Sam had texted me their address because he and Gabe were hanging out yesterday after school.

We arrived and I was biting my nails, i never do that.

Cas opened the door but i shut it before he could go in. He looked confused, but I stepped out of the car and opened the door for him, he chuckled and got in the car.

《After school》

Sam wanted to have a sleepover with Gabe since it was friday, I agreed and dropped them off.

"Aren't you getting out too?" I asked Castiel. "Nope, i want to stay with you" he winked. I blushed and started the car.

"Okay then, let's go to a friends house of mine, she asked me to come over today so yeah" I said, I saw him glance over to me in the corner of my eye, he had confusion and sadness in his eyes or something.

"Hey, calm down, she's gay, you still have a chance with me" I chuckled and turned my head to look at a tomato version of Cas. I just laughed a bit and pulled up to Charlie's house.

We got out and rang the doorbell. "COME IN DEAN, THE DOOR IS OPEN, YOU KNOW THAT YOU STUPID GREEN EYED FOREST PERFECT GUY" Charlie shouted, I started laughing when I saw Castiel's face. He's too cute. Wait, what? Cute? Dude you're not gay. Who says that? I do. Ugh shut up!

We walked in and I calmed down from laughing. Castiel looked shocked at Charlie, why tho? Charlie looked up and almost broke down in happy tears, she ran to Castiel and hugged him very tightly. I just stood there, very confused.

"I missed you, bee cake!" Charlie sobbed. "I missed you too, redhead" Castiel cried.

"Uh, guys? Care to fill me in?" I chuckled, Charlie pulled away from Cas and turned to look at me.

"He was my best friend in middle school, but I moved away and never saw him again. I always called him bee cake because I made a bee cake once for his 10th birthday and he said he liked it and since then i just started to call him bee cake! I fucking missed this goof!" Charlie said.

"Yeah, and she broke her phone and never texted me, called me or anything anymore because she lost my number. Also, she was the first one who I came out to, you're the 3rd now Dean" Castiel rambled, i just giggled and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a beer.

"Well, it's good that you guys already know each other, because it would be awkward if not haha" I took a sip from my beer and turned around.

《Later that day》

Charlie suggested that we could have a sleepover, i agreed and Castiel agreed too.

"But i only have a 1 person mattress for my own bed and a queen sized mattress, i don't know if you guys want to sleep on the same mattress...?" I looked over to Castiel and he looked over to me, i got lost in his eyes.

"Uhm sure, I wouldn't mind" I said when i finally broke eye contact.

"Great! Let's get this party started!" Charlie said overly exited.

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