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"What's your name?" Yashasvini asked back.

"Prithvi" He replied.

She turned away with a straight face and went outside to call Dhrithiman.

"Sahasyaji, you're brother is up. He regained consciousness. You can check on him now." Yashasvini informed.

"Oh thank gods! Thank you vaidji." He said with a happy namaste and left to check on his brother.

Yashasvini smiled at the love he had for Ram. It reminded her of Anagha.

I hope she's fine until now. Don't worry Anagha, I'm coming for your aid.

Meanwhile, Dhrithiman burst out of happiness when he saw Ram sitting up.
He ran to him and hugged him.

"Aaah!" Ram shouted as it touched his wound.

"Oh I'm so sorry. It's just that I'm so happy!" Dhrithiman replied.

"Yeah I can see that written on your face." Ram replied with a smile.

"Anyways, any idea on who could've stabbed me?" Ram asked Dhrithiman.

"I couldn't go behind him brathashri. You started bleeding heavily by the time. The ship came right at that time, so I just took you inside it. I sent a letter to the king informing about the attack, so don't worry. They'll check for now." Dhrithiman informed.

"Okay.. By the way, the woman who treated me, Pavitra, do you know anything about her?" Ram asked.

"No, I'm not sure. I just know that she's a vaid because she treated you but nothing else. Why?" Dhrithiman asked.

"Nothing, I just find her a little strange. I tried to assault her with a needle but she didn't even flinch." Ram replied with a slight frown.

"You tried to assault her?! She saved your life! How can you assault her?" Dhrithiman asked surprised.

"I didn't know that earlier. I just heard someone coming in so I got ready for any situation." Ram reasoned.

"Ahh fine. She didn't seem upset when she spoke to me. Seems like your thank you did something atleast." Dhrithiman replied.

Ram looked at Dhrithiman uncertainly.

"Wait, don't tell me.." Dhrithiman asked as he gasped.

Ram nodded in agreement.

"You didn't even thank her?!" Dhrithiman asked in surprise.

"Well, it's not like that.. she suspected me, and I suspected her, and then she did her work, and she left immediately so I didn't have the time to thank her." Ram said.

"Such a lame excuse. When she comes in the next time, thank her." Dhrithiman said and left to his cabin.

Maybe I should've thanked her. She saved me afterall.

The next morning, Yashasvini went to Ram's cabin to retie his cloth.

Ram let her in and let her do her job. In the process, he tried to ask a few questions.

"Pavitraji, what do you do for a living?" Ram asked as she was applying the medicine.

"Can't you see? I'm a vaid." Yashasvini replied. She equally suspected Ram.

Why is she being rude when I'm being nice? She smiled when I assaulted her and she's rude when I'm nice to her. I can't understand her logic.

"What do you do for a living Prithviji?" Yashasvini asked back.

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