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"Why do you need the blueprint? To save that person?" Ram asked.

"I need to get her out safely escaping everyone's eyes. I need the routes of the secret tunnels for it." Yashasvini replied.

For the first time, Ram felt sympathy towards Yashasvini. She seemed to hold her emotions in well. Ram was the type of person who believed in helping people. However this time, he wanted confirm what she said. He couldn't trust her easily. What if she stole the blueprint and never gave it to them?

"Do you know her exact location inside the palace?" Ram asked.

"No, I'm not sure yet. I'll have to find that out when I enter the palace." Yashasvini replied.

Ram realised why she was ready to help him now. It wasn't just because she told she would pay back. It was because she needed the same blueprint and wanted a way to enter palace.

"Pavithra." Ram called.

"Yes?" Yashasvini replied.

"How about we become partners?" Ram suggested.

"Partners?" Yashasvini asked, surprised.

"Yes. We both have the same needs. Our final goal is different but our path is the same. We both know that we need each other's help to achieve what we want." Ram reasoned.

Yashasvini personally agreed to Ram's opinions. She couldn't do it on her own. She needed someone by her side at this difficult time. But Yashasvini didn't trust Ram.

Silently, they both still weren't ready to trust each other. Both decided to take the risk as they had no choice.

"What do you say?" Ram asked.

"Okay, deal." Yashasvini replied.

At Paramdham:

"What!?" Padmanand shouted when he Dhrithiman's message.

The entire court flinched. Everyone were present, Gautami, Anasuya and the ministers.

"What is it Maharaj?" Asked Amatya, the chief advisor.

"Someone dared to stab my son Ram and ran away!" Padmanand yelled.

The entire court gasped.

"Thankfully, my son is well and good now. But we need to find out who did this." Padmanand announced.

"It will be done your highness. We will investigate this matter." Said minister Vinayak.

"Maharaj, I think I might know who did this." Anasuya said.

"Go ahead, Maharani Anasuya." Padmanand suggested.

"I think this attack is by Amaravati." Anasuya announced.

The entire court began to murmur.

"Amaravati?" Padmanand asked.

"But Maharaj, the war between us and Amaravati ended 25 years ago. I don't get why Amaravati would attack us." Minister Vinayak suggested.

"I agree with Maharani Anasuya Maharaj. That's what they want us to think. They attacked on yuvraj Ramachandra after hearing about his crowning ceremony. They want us to think that they might not make a move after all these years." Advisor Amatya suggested.

Padmanand's anger built heavily inside him after hearing the claim.

"Is there any solid proof that this was done by Amaravati?" Gautami said.

The entire court looked at her. Everyone respected Gautami for her brave, bold and yet humble and kind personality.

"We do not have any proof, Maharani Gautami" Amatya replied with his head bowed down.

"Without any proof, this claim is pointless advisor Amatya. I suggest that we don't assume and instead investigate and find details regarding it." Gautami suggested.

The building rage inside Padmanand immediately went down. He agreed with Gautami.

"Okay then." Padmanand said.

He dismissed the court. Everyone went back to their own rooms.

When Anasuya went back to her room, she recieved a pigeon letter. She took it and read it.

"A woman. Satavahana. Staying with Ram and Dhrithiman." The small message read. There was no name who it was sent from but Anasuya didn't need it. She knew who it was.

Anasuya immediately took a pen and a paper and began to write a reply.

"Find out who that woman is and why she is with Ram and Dhrithiman." Her reply read.

She sent the letter via pigeon.

What the hell is Ram doing with a woman? This wasn't in the plan they came up with.

At Satavahana:

Yashasvini woke up and got dressed the next morning and walked around the city for groceries with Dhrithiman.

Ram meanwhile stayed inside his room, thinking and planning what to do. He had to make sure there were no loopholes. He already created one by trusting Yashasvini, but he somehow had to make sure that she doesn't get out of hand.

After getting the groceries, Yashasvini saw an old woman dressed in the palace worker uniform. Yashasvini went forward and spoke to the woman.

"Umm, excuse me?" Yashasvini said.

"Yes?" The woman replied.

"Do you work at the palace?" She asked.

"Ah, yes." The woman replied.

"Sister, I have been trying to join the palace as a worker. I wanted to know if there were any conditions to get the job." Yashasvini replied.

Dhrithiman, who was standing a little farther from Yashasvini holding the groceries, was surprised by her different mannerism of talking.

"It depends on what type of work you get. The only condition is that the king himself will look at the maid and then assign her. He keeps them for two reasons. It's either efficieny or beauty. You are beautiful, so already have one of it. If you have efficiency, then the king will be the most impressed." The old woman replied.

"But be aware, the king is a man who can develop lust over beautiful women for entertainment if he likes them. Are you sure you want this job?" The woman whispered.

"I don't have a choice. I can't starve everyday. Anyways, thank you for the information. I'm grateful to you." Yashasvini replied with a pitiful face.

They both kept a formal namaste for each other and moved on their different paths.

Yashasvini went back to Dhrithiman.

"What happened? What did she say at last?" Dhrithiman asked.

"I'll tell you later. Let's go back." Yashasvini said.

Dhrithiman agreed and they went back to their house.

"What took you guys so long?" Ram asked when he saw Yashasvini and Dhrithiman.

"I can enter the palace, but we might have a restriction." Yashasvini revealed.

" Yashasvini revealed

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To be continued...
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