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Yashasvini went inside Vidhurak's room. Vidhurak stared at Yashasvini top to bottom.

"Pranam Maharaj." Yashasvini said.
(Greetings your highness)

"Please, sit down." Vidhurak said tapping the small slab on which he was leaning on while the rest of his body until his waist was covered inside the water filled with rose petals.

Yashasvini went and sat on the slab, facing the opposite side of the bath tub.
She looked at Vidhurak.

"What is your name, young lady?" Vidhurak asked softly as he moved his hand next to hers on the slab.

"My name is Pavithra Maharaj." She replied with a smile. Yashasvini moved her hand away casually as she answered.

Suddenly, Vidhurak held her hand tightly. An annoyed Yashasvini tried to shake her hand off but Vidhurak wasn't letting her go.

"Will you be my love? I've liked you since we ever met." Vidhurak asked.
Yashasvini was clearly taken aback. However, she decided to utilize the chance practically. She stopped shaking her hand off.

"Of course Maharaj. I've liked you since we ever met too." Yashasvini said with a seductive smile and slowly, her smile fell off.

Vidhurak kept both his hands on Yashasvini's hand.

"What happened?" He asked.

"But Maharaj, I'm a maid. You're a king, that too a married one. The world will never acknowledge our love." Yashasvini said as she moved her hand away.

"What do you wish my dear?" Vidhurak asked.

"Let's meet in secrecy, when no one is around." Yashasvini suggested. Vidhurak smiled and nodded.

The idea was to keep Vidhurak infatuated and at the same time, being able to stay out of his sight when she needed to, like in crowds.

"I have to finish my work Maharaj. If you'll excuse me, I can complete it. It's my first day." Yashasvini said with a namaste as Vidhurak agreed to let her go.

For the next one week, Yashasvini noted down the security in front of the library and found the pattern. She also kept Vidhurak talking a bit too.

"Prithvi, I found the security pattern in front of the library." Yashasvini said when she was back home to Ram and Dhrithiman.

"Oh that's great news!" Ram said with a smile and was eager to hear it.

"In general, the shift occurs every two hours. The only shift where they don't come early for the shift is during lunch break. It takes them around 20 minutes to come back." Yashasvini said.

"Then the only thing left is for us to enter the palace." Dhrithiman said. Both Ram and Yashasvini nodded in agreement.

"But how will you guys enter the palace?" Yashasvini asked.

"Im not sure about that yet." Ram replied.

The next day, while working, Yashasvini overheard a few maids talking something.

"Did you hear that the king is going to hold a celebration for 5 days for winning the war against Sangramat?" One said.

"Yes! Was it such a huge victory that the king is celebrating it for 5 days?" The other one asked.

"Yes!" Another one said.

Yashasvini smiled when she heard the news. She went back home and told the news.

"I have an idea. Enter in as decorators. They will need a few for the celebration. I'll make sure to convince Vidhurak." Yashasvini suggested.

"That's great news." Dhrithiman said while Ram nodded.

"But how will you convince the king?" Ram asked.

"I have my ways." Yashasvini said with a smile.

The very next day, Vidhurak announced the celebrations. As expected, workers were called in for decoration.

Ram and Dhrithiman went around the city and found the man who was supposed to decorate the palace. Ram and Dhrithiman requested a job from from the man and entered the palace with them.

Ram and Dhrithiman wore different face makeups in case they get caught. Ram wore a fake white moustache and beard that covered almost his entire face whereas Dhrithiman tanned his skin a little and wore a scarf around his mouth as a mask, with an excuse of having a cold and working in the dust.

In the palace, they searched for Yashasvini but couldn't find her. In the end, the two split up to find her. Ram found her in Vidhurak's room. He was surprised by what he saw.

"Maharaj." Yashasvini said with such love looking at Vidhurak.

Vidhurak smiled as he came closer. He took her hands and kissed them. Ram clenched his fists. Ram looked at Yashasvini. He could clearly tell that she was forcing a smile.

Vidhurak tried to get closer, almost close to kissing Yashasvini. She kept stepping back, clearly uncomfortable. Ram couldn't take it anymore. He stepped inside the room.

"Pranam Maharaj." Ram said. Initially, Yashasvini couldn't recognize Ram.
Ram had made sure to change his voice a little as well as his speaking style.

Vidhurak, who was enjoying his time with Yashasvini, was startled when Ram came in. He immediately moved away from her, keeping no physical contact. Yashasvini was relieved to get away from Vidhurak.

"Who gave you the permission to enter my room without my consent?" Vidhurak asked with his voice accompanied by anger.

"I'm sorry Maharaj. I'm the decorator for the celebrations. I was told to come to your room for the decoration." Ram said.

His voice sounded very unlike his real voice. Generally, his voice was deep yet gentle to hear. But now, his voice wasn't as deep and it was kind of cranky to hear.

"Ah okay, go ahead. But never come inside my room without my consent. This is your last warning." Vidhurak said.

"Yes Maharaj." Ram said with a bow.

As soon as Vidhurak left, Yashasvini left behind him, even before Ram could speak to her. He ran behind her.

Yashasvini went outside the room and kept walking very quickly. Ram had to run to catch up with her pace. He dragged her by her wrist and pulled her towards him, pinning her against a pillar.

Yashasvini took the needle she had with her other hand and tried to stab Ram but he defended it.

"Help!" She screamed but before she could go further, Ram covered her mouth with his palm.

He gazed at Yashasvini in a manner he never had earlier. She suddenly seemed pretty to him. Ram gently smiled.

"It's me, Prithvi." He said in his normal voice.

" He said in his normal voice

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To be continued...
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