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Third POV

"Tyki?! Road?! What are you-" Xiao exclaimed as they suddenly appeared in her room, Xiao gripped her parasol in case they attack. She just arrived from her none stop mission that the Black Order suddenly assigned to her.

"Hehe~ if it isn't Doll-chan~" Road giggled as Tyki looked around her room. "As expected, it's full of nature in her room." Gritted her teeth.

"Why the hell are you here?!" She asked making Road giggle, while Tyki answered. "Well, we all know you have a soft spot for everyone annddd, we are here to ask for your help to get Allen Walker out of prison. Since the samurai guy is currently MIA." Tyki grinned when he saw the reaction she posses.

'Allen-kun was in prison and Yu was missing in action? Why wasn't anyone told me that...' Xiao took a deep breath. "Fine. But only when I get to bring two person."

Road launched herself towards Xiao making the girl tense as she hug the girl's neck. "Hehehe! I know you won't let them down!" She exclaimed as her and Tyki disappeared.

Gripping her quick beating chest, Xiao Lingyun immediately grabbed her uniform and changed, gripping her parasol, she strolled down the hallway towards the place to where she will see her friends, Kesja and Flery.

Flery's POV

'Something was not quite right ever since Komui informed me, Kesja, and Xiao that Allen and Kanda was in a long term mission... Yet... If that were the case, why also give Xiao a mission one after another and not with Kesja...' I thought as I fix the gun that can destroy Akumas so it won't malfunctioned.

"Something on your mind?" Kesja asked me to which I flinch in surprise. I have totally forgotten her presence since I was deep in thought. "Nothing important." I shook my head and before she could say something else, the door of the lab opened and revealed Xiao.

"I'm going to quit the black order." Xiao declared making mine and Kesja's eyes widened.


"Aren't that too sudden?!"

Kesja's POV

I was shocked, I thought Xiao loved the black order... She even said so herself, so how come she will suddenly quit?!

"The Black Order was not the same as it is anymore." She balled her fist while gritting her teeth. "Ever since that Lvellie dude came in the order. Yu was missing in action while Allen-kun was put in prison..."

I sighed, I finally can tell that she still love the Black Order but she doesn't want to see her friend suffering.

"I'm going with you." Flery second demo, shaking my head while chuckling. "I'm going also, can't have guys ogling at you now without Kanda being around." I teased, her being a lookin like elf, makes her stand out plus elf was known to be pure in most fantasy.

She smiled blush in her cheeks. "Alright..."

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