A/n: This part here will be the I got a cheat skill in another world and became unravelled in the real world. So beware of those who still haven't watched or read the anime because there will be lots of spoilers.

Flery's POV

After the bright light that swallowed me, Kesja, and Xiao I found myself landed on a hard cushion?


'Ayo! The cushion is groaning!' I thought as I bounced to know if the cushion is indeed alive. "HEY! GET OFF YOUR HEAVY!" A shrill voice exclaimed under me as I immediately jumped away, seeing that a girl and a boy was the one who is the supposed cushion that I landed.

"Are? You aren't supposed to say that to a girl." I stated as I pointed my akuma destroyer gun at them.

"State your name and business!" The old guard exclaimed as all of them were tense. "Why should I? Unless you ha-" I was cut off when I saw Kesja was surrounded by guards as Xiao was unconscious on the ground while still holding her parasol.

"Kesja!!" I yelled to get her attention and shot the ground making me go to her side.

Kesja's POV

I heard Flery's voice calling my name as I turned around, she was already at my side. "Flery! Please check on Xiao! She's been unconscious after the attack!" I exclaimed in worry.


I turned around and glared at a bunch of guards, if they attack, I have no choice but to use my innocence.

It won't do much but at least it will protect us for the time being since I don't know about this forest as of right now, it is unfamiliar and it also had an unfamiliar aura.

"Stand down!!" One of the guard exclaimed as I growled.

"Kesja! She is okay but whatever that thing do made Xiao had a slight fever!" I heard Flery said.

"Owen! Stop the guards! The girls are protecting someone!"

"B-but Lexia-sama!"

"I will tell father if you disobey me!"

"H-hai... You heard the princess!"

Suddenly all the guards lowered their weapons.

"I am sorry about them. Yuuya-kun, can we help them." The strange girl princess Lexia was it? Crunches down and smiled at Flery who didn't let them get close to Xiao.

"I-I suppose..." The boy said as he bring out a bottle to which I tensed. Getting ready to attack if he do something suspicious. "I-if you don't mind..." Flery only glared.

"I don't know what is that you are planning but I ain't gonna get fooled." She lifted up Xiao and put her on her back as Xiao's hair moved revealing her pointy ears making the princess gasp.

"IS THAT AN ELF?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" I can clearly see panic in the princess eyes.

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