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Minho thought Felix was weird.

Well, the fact that the younger boy was not normal was quite established the day Changbin had brought him into the group. And with Changbin's personality of being the college bully and the news that he had decided to bring Felix into their little group after two weeks of his admission to the college were even more abnormal.

Their little group of seven - now eight - consisted of Chan, the eldest, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin. All of them were notorious for having all kinds of bad reputations. Each one of them was part of some or other incident that ended up making teachers resign, or the students involved quit. The only reason they could stay in the college so far was due to Changbin's and Chan's fathers being trustees of the fund. And also because they were excellent in what they were pursuing.

Chan, Changbin, and Jisung had formed their little group and made phenomenal songs, their streams on YouTube and other online platforms hitting high clouds. This also made them money and provided them financial and future security if the college one day decided that it was enough and kicked them out. The little hobby of theirs soon gained them power and fame all over the campus, eventually leading to having power and authority even over the teachers.

Minho and Hyunjin were part of the dance club and had met there, quickly falling into tune with each other and gaining immense fans around and across the campus for their dance and beauty. They had joined the little cult the other three had formed through Jisung, and it immediately opened their choices to everything. The things they couldn't do earlier, or the classes they were failing before because they did not attend lectures were automatically done for them, and they were easily passing their classes with flying colors.

The two youngest, Jeongin and Seungmin, joined the group much later but quickly incorporated better into the dynamics than the other. They were two years younger than Chan and a year younger than the four. Even though they were the youngest, the two of them were part of almost every infamous incident that wreaked havoc on the campus. It was well taken into consideration that their popularity was also because of them being a part of the swimming team. Both of them had several teams operating under them and were on top of their charts.

The seven of them together were often a threat to the people around them. Minho would not say they were bad, per se, he would just say that they knew how to use their power and influence to make others do things they did not want to or did not feel the need to. They were just playing their cards right, and if that meant other students had to be threatened or beaten up sometimes, well it was just for the greater good. Changbin and Jeongin got into the most fist fights between all of them, Seungmin and Minho took up the bullying part, and Jisung and Hyunjin made up for the role of making teachers and students cry alike.

Chan hardly ever participated in this little dance of theirs, enjoying to just staying put and watching the drama unfold. He only stepped in when he felt the person in front of them was getting a little too disrespectful, and that usually ended in that person being resigned or expelled for some mysterious reason. And although they had a bad reputation in the college, all of them were very tight-knitted. They never threw each other's names during serious accusations and always made sure to help each other out when needed.

It was a bit strange when this strongly bonded group was overthrown by a whirlwind of emotions when Felix entered it abruptly.

The boy was everything they were not, friendly, bright, approachable, and most importantly, loving.

He casually waltzed into their group through Changbin when the elder had gone to set some people straight and came back with sunshine trapped in a boy. He greeted everyone politely with huge smiles that made them gasp, and introduced himself. They quickly learned that he was younger than all of them and a foreigner. Minho was already thinking of making him do all of their work from him and forming bets on seeing him cry.

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