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Hyunjin was having a blast.

His dance instructor had praised him, he had hit the most difficult set of moves perfectly, the song he wanted to choreograph on was finally ready to show off, and his morning had started with a perfect breakfast made by Felix. The boy just had magical hands at this point, he fed everyone whatever they wanted and at whatever time they did, maybe he should be dissected and studied, Hyunjin thought, they could at least share his perfection.

Hyunjin was in the dance room, doing one last rehearsal of the choreography he had set, ticking off all the loose and non-fluid motions off so that the dance could be shown to his instructor. He just hoped the instructor liked the choreography enough to permit him to perform it at the festival. And when that was done, it was guaranteed for him to get a reservation at the top companies he wanted to debut for.

As the practice turned to its end, Hyunjin executed a smooth turn, transitioning his body weight onto the back foot while bringing the front foot in to meet the back foot, effectively completing a full rotation. A smile on his face and a warning voice in his mind repeatedly reminding him not to fall. Hyunjin looked at the camera recording from the corner of his eye once and let out a soft breath, doing his utmost best to keep his balance for the next movement.

When the turn was completed, he landed softly on both feet, maintaining perfect posture and control throughout the entire sequence. Once the music stopped thrumming through the dance room, Hyunjin waited for a few heartbeats, revealing in the silence his accomplishment. And with that exact amazing mood, he walked out of the room, happy with his practice session and impatient to reach the dorm and tell everyone how he had finally achieved the last step finally.

Just as he was joyfully skipping around the campus to the dorm, he caught a glance of Felix's unmistakable blond hair behind the second building, right next to their dorm. His mood instantly elevated, thinking of the cute reaction Felix would give him and the way his eyes would get excited over the news. Hyunjin changed his direction and skipped towards the building, momentarily wondering what the younger was doing there all alone. As Hyunjin turned around the corner, he witnessed the reason why.

Hyunjin's jaw clenched hard unintentionally, as he watched three big guys cornering Felix into the wall and looking down at him, poking his stomach and cheek which clearly made the blond uncomfortable. He was far away from the scene to walk through them, but they were loud enough for their voice to reach Hyunjin.

The guy with a white hoodie was standing over the small boy, one of his hands on the wall behind Felix and the other clutching Felix's wrist tightly so as to not let him escape. The other two were standing behind him, laughing at whatever he was saying and occasionally poking the younger's skin.

Hyunjin did not have to strain his ears hard to hear what they were saying.

"- like you only because of that ass. Did you throw yourself at them to get accepted in that weird cult of theirs?"

The taller's blood boiled, how dare they say that to sweet Felix? What was wrong with people? Why were they so jealous and hateful? What had the younger ever done to them? He should walk in on them and then see their reactions, or call Chan and then record their faces for record-breaking acting.

But instead of striding in, Hyunjin stayed put in his place, watching from the sidelines for Felix to do something. It would be fun to watch the normally quiet boy get angry and spew fire.

Plus, they did have an ongoing bet about seeing the younger cry. So it was a win-win for him, he was either going to see Felix get angry or see him cry, both of the things none of them had seen yet.

But his wish was not fulfilled, Felix did not get angry, nor did he seem even a little bit fazed. He was just staring back at the bullies, uninterested in their little game with only a mild twinge of confusion on his face. The boys were growing more irritated, Hyunjin could see it in their shaking bodies, their cockiness was leaving them as the younger provided them no reaction at all. And so, their harsh words suddenly became harsher, trying to rattle the little boy.

"Will you let us see that ass bouncing too if we let you in our group too?"

At this point, Felix looked utterly bored and Hyunjin fumed from his place.

"How is your tiny ass handling all seven of them? Is that other boy - what's his name again?" The bully tilted his head, actually thinking and then suddenly staring back at Felix. "Seungbin? Ah, right, Seungmin. Is he a twink too?"

The three of them laughed loudly. Hyunjin immediately noticed the change in Felix's stance, his shoulders tightened, and he stood up straighter, dangerous anger flowing through his eyes. The dancer bit back a surprised gasp, trying to remain hidden still. That was the first time he had seen such an expression on the younger's face. And if he was being completely honest, it was alarming.

"Do not talk about them in that way. They have nothing to do with this."

Three low whistles ran through the empty space at Felix's dark tone. The look in the younger's eyes was making warning signals go off in Hyunjin's mind.

"Do you two take turns while getting dicked? Or does that other guy, Jisung help you out too?"

The two goons behind that man started making obscene gestures and noises, rude laughter filtering throughout the empty pavement as the bullies finally found out what triggered Felix. Hyunjin was enraged, fire coursing through his veins as he heard those good-for-nothing talk about his friends in that way. But before he could even take a step forward, he saw a scene that had not even appeared to him in his wild dreams.

Felix cracked his neck, looked at the laughing guys in front of him, and gave them a smile that sent chills down their backs. The next minute the younger gripped the bully's hand on his wrist with his other hands and snatched his arm back, twisting the other's hand painfully. While the first guy was busy screaming, he quickly moved away from the guy and kicked his body into the wall, making him hit his head on the concrete and then fall to the ground. The other two came barrelling towards him, trying to avenge their leader.

But Felix was faster. He grabbed one's fist and turned him around it and landed that punch into the other's face. He turned around and landed a heavy kick on the second guy's abdomen and kneed the third guy in his face. With both the goons on the floor too, Felix let out a breath, not even a drop of sweat on his face.

Hyunjin watched mesmerized as Felix single-handedly handed those three seniors and bullies their asses and looked absolutely beautiful while doing it. His body moved with precision and landed each blow as if it was a part of an intricate dance move. He executed this little dance set with perfection and did not even break a sweat, nor did his breathing rize.

Felix crouched down to the level of the fallen seniors, looking at their faces and grimacing.

"I told you not to talk about them. I am so sorry about doing this to you, but I just can't handle bad things being said to them, ok? I would have heard a hundred more insults to my name, probably even deserved them but none of them have even an ounce of bad in them. So, from next time, keep their names out of your mouth, please."

Hyunjin was stunned, after beating those three goons to a pulp, Felix looked sorry and even apologized to them for it. He was really and truly an anomaly that needed to be studied. Thinking that this was it and he was done hiding, Hyunijn came out from the wall he was peeping from, announcing his presence loudly.

"Hey, Felix! What's going on here?"

The elder waited for him to speak up and complain about those three, expecting him to tattle them out so the other seven could take care of them properly. But Felix being himself, surprised him once again.

"Hyung, Hello!" Felix waved at him enthusiastically, as if he was not just verbally abused.

"Who are they, Lixie?" The taller pointed towards the three on the ground.

"Them? Oh, it's nothing, Hyung, they are just my new friends. We were playing around and they tripped and fell. Anyway, how was your dance practice?"

Hyunjin stared at the younger, surprised at the immediate lie he had to supply. He mentioned nothing about being physically and verbally assaulted, just walked towards him, looped their arms, and walked away from there, his eyes twinkling like always.

Hyunjin later learned that they called this low self-esteem.




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