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Changbin punched the guy in front of him hard in the face.

The elder was doing completely fine until five minutes ago. Hell, he would even go as far as to say that this was the most fun he had had in the previous weeks. He had woken up with a Felix cooking day, which usually meant plenty of whatever food they liked and wanted that day. Changbin swore that it was the most beautiful day to wake up to, being gently shaken awake with a sunshine smile directed at him and then taken to a table full of food that made him drool.

Heaven, really.

He went over to the studio in a good mood too, which in turn resulted in good lyrics and productive time invested in songs that day. It had an immediate chain effect, Changbin woke up in a happy mood and did wonderful during their songwriting session, Chan sprouted a smile too and praised him as their song finished faster, Jisung giggled cutely and gave the songs a few enhancements, their song completed in record time and they set a date to officially release it. And then they took a long break and drank coffee.

So, all-in-all, if he had a person he wanted to thank for this chain event that ended up favoring all of them, he would immediately go to Felix.

But after living with the younger for months now, he knew the blond-haired did not accept gifts and compliments well. This now put him in a dilemma of showing his appreciation as his love language was gift giving, but well, he had to figure something out.

This was how he ended up asking Chan for help.

Because even if they joking called him the dad of the group, he truly gave his hundred percent to help each one of them through anything they needed and Chan was the only person Changbin felt comfortable in being vulnerable with. With this reason in mind, he went to the elder and Chan did not disappoint, he sat down with him and they started brainstorming their plan to show the younger appreciation.

As two hours went by, the spirit in the room soured as there was nothing they could think of.

Changbin would like to think this was where his mood deteriorated.

Chan suggested walking outside, saying that they might gain some ideas if they moved around in fresh air. Changbin nodded, pushing away the gnawing feeling in his stomach and the sudden anxiety rushing through him.

As if his body was already telling him something was wrong, or was going to be wrong.

But he did not heed to the warning and walked with the elder, who ditched him the moment they touched grass because something important came up related to their tracks. Changbin sighed and moved on, deciding that he had to think of ideas and be quick. As he was walking around the campus for any idea, he heard voices from behind the third building.

From the spot where their ground fire pit was present.

The elder rushed over to the place, his pace rushed and his hands already folding into fists. His anger was palpable, bitterness radiating from him and burning the cool air around him. He saw a couple of boys sitting near the pit, not on it but close enough to it. Changbin reached over close enough to hear what they were talking about. And thus, his sour mood became dangerous, upgrading from feeling like a kicked dog to feeling like burning everything in his way to hell and putting the guys there.

"- really ungrateful. I have no idea how Lix handles them, to be honest." the elder immediately recognized the voice as Hanbin, the boy from his year.

Laughter bubbled from the small group of five, whom Changbin could have recognized had he not been busy from keeping his anger from spilling as he walked towards the group.

When he reached them, the elder grabbed Hanbin by his shirt, hauling him up on his feet unceremoniously, shocking the other guy. The other boys started raising their voices, trying to defend their friend, but Changbin just raised an eyebrow towards them and they all went away running.

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