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✨ . ☇ Welcome, dear wanderers, to the enchanting 𝑮𝑨𝑹𝑫𝑬𝑵 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑽𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑵. ❐ ❜

❝ . . . In the mystical realm of the Fae, a towering spire emerges, its lofty heights serving as the prison for the sagacious Myrddin. Despite his confinement, this bard at heart remains untroubled, his soulful melody echoing beyond the stony walls of the tower. The sound of his song, harmonious and captivating, travels across the lands, permeating the very fabric of reality, calling upon those with a spirit of freedom to liberate him.

Thus, the bravest souls from far and wide, from diverse corners of the world, undertake the journey towards his fortress. Hidden beyond the boundaries of Camelot, nestled amidst a meadow that lies beyond the shadows, they seek the Garden of Avalon . . .

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💫 ⟣ . Now, heed the rules of this House, for they are sacred: ⌢ !

01 ,, ⏥ Rule-breakers are not tolerated. Rules are not mere suggestions, they are laws to be followed. Those found guilty of transgressing any laws set by the Knights of the Round Table will face the consequences as per the laws of the Kingdom of Camelot.

02 ,, ⏥ Entry Pass is mandatory. A minimum of three chapters are required for submission. This allows the Minstrels to evaluate your work adequately. Ensure that your submissions are original and conform to the rules set by the Fae's (Wattpad) rulebook.

03 ,, ⏥ The Holy Grail is required to achieved the greater good. Challengers are required to fulfill the wishes listed below to participate. Any revocation of these wishes will result in the offender being blacklisted by the Lily of the Lake, a fate accompanied by a multitude of misfortunes.

04 ,, ⏥ The common knowledge is common sense. It is imperative to note that within the realm of Pendragon, bribery, ludicrous activity, treachery, and any other form of unethical behavior are strictly prohibited and deemed illegal. The noble principles upheld by the Pendragon demand integrity and honor in all actions and interactions. Violators of these principles shall face severe consequences in accordance with the laws of the land. Let it be known that the pursuit of justice and righteousness reigns supreme within the realm of Pendragon.

05 ,, ⏥ The Age of Faes is the limit. The trials within the Garden of Avalon shall commence in April 2024 and extend till May 2024. The esteemed Minstrels, entrusted with the task of evaluation, will diligently assess the submissions during the month of May 2024, with the final evaluations concluding in July 2024. It is important to note that each category and its corresponding mini-categories, as specified by the Council of Faes, will only accommodate a maximum of 10 entries from the Challengers. Furthermore, each Challenger is permitted to enter a total of 3 books in the main categories and 2 books in the mini-categories. To gain access to this grand event, Challengers must provide the hidden password. The password consists of the name of your favorite character from Arthurian legends, followed by the number of published books in your profile. For example, if your favorite character is Merlin and you have published one book, your password would be "Merlin 1". This password serves as the key to unlock the doors of opportunity within the Garden of Avalon.

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🌟 ᖊ : Wish Upon the Grail ෴ .

To embark on your journey within the Garden of Avalon, it is essential to fulfill the following wishes:

01 ,, ⏥ Follow and stay connected with mxtsuro and garden-of-avalon, esteemed figures in the realm of Faes. By permanently following them, you will receive timely updates and information regarding similar events and opportunities specifically tailored for Challengers like yourself.

02 ,, ⏥ Show your solidarity with mxtsuro by including their script called "Euthanasia" in a public reading list and promoting their profile on your announcement board. This gesture showcases your appreciation for their work and contributes to the promotion of their literary endeavors. Additionally, immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of poetry by reading five poems from mxtsuro's collection titled "Irkalla". For each chapter, leave three thoughtful comments, allowing your words to resonate with the poet's creations.

03 ,, ⏥ Spread the word and extend a shoutout to @garden-of-avalon. By mentioning and highlighting their presence, you can help attract more willing Challengers to partake in this extraordinary event. Let the winds carry your message far and wide, igniting the curiosity and passion of those who seek to join the Garden of Avalon.

🥀 . . . Welcome once again, to the Garden of Avalon, where reality intertwines with the mystical, and legends come alive . . . ❞

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