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🪷 . Main Categories except Graphic Portfolio and Poetry . . .

1. Title (/5): The title should be catchy, relevant, and should give a hint about what the story is about. The use of powerful and evocative words is encouraged.
2. Blurb (/10): The blurb should be concise, engaging and should pique the reader's interest. It should give a glimpse of the story without revealing too much.
3. Cover (/5): The cover should be visually appealing and relevant to the content of the story. It should be clean, professional-looking and should draw the reader's attention.
4. Writing Style (/25):
- Grammar (/5): The story should be free from grammatical errors. The sentences should be well-structured and the use of tenses should be consistent.
- Vocabulary (/5): The story should use a wide range of vocabulary. The use of powerful and descriptive words is encouraged.
- Literary Device (/5): The use of literary devices such as metaphors, similes, personification etc. should be evident in the story.
- Capitalization & Punctuation (/5): The story should follow the rules of capitalization and punctuation.
- Dialogue (/5): The dialogue should be realistic and should contribute to character development and plot advancement.
5. Plotline (/25):
- Character Development (/10): The characters should be well-developed with distinct characteristics. They should evolve as the story progresses.
- Creativity & Originality (/10): The plot should be unique and not a cliché. The story should have creative elements that make it stand out.
- Pace (/5): The story should have a good balance of fast and slow-paced scenes. It should not be too rushed or too slow.
6. Impression (/5): The story should leave a lasting impression on the reader through its content and context.
Overall - /75.

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🪷 . Poetry . . . ⟤

1. Title (/5): The title should be catchy, relevant, and should give a hint about what the poem is about.
2. Blurb (/5): The blurb should be concise, engaging and should pique the reader's interest.
3. Cover (/5): The cover should be visually appealing and relevant to the content of the poem.
4. Writing Style (/25):
- Mood & Theme (/5): The poem should convey a clear mood and theme.
- Creativity & Originality (/5): The poem should be unique and not a cliché.
- Literary Device (/10): The use of literary devices such as metaphors, similes, personification etc. should be evident in the poem.
- Appeal to Logos, Ethos, and Pathos (/5): The poem should appeal to logic (logos), ethics (ethos), and emotions (pathos).
5. Impression (/10): The poem should leave a lasting impression on the reader. It should evoke emotions and make the reader think.
Overall - /50.

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🪷 . Graphic Portfolio . . . ⟤

1. Title (/5): The title should be catchy, relevant, and should give a hint about what the portfolio is about.
2. Cover (/5): The cover should be visually appealing and relevant to the content of the portfolio.
3. Blurb (/5): The blurb should be concise, engaging and should pique the viewer's interest.
4. Graphic Style (/25):
- Font (/5): The font used in the portfolio should be clear, legible, and appropriate for the design.
- Creativity & Originality (/10): The portfolio should be unique and not a cliché. It should have creative elements that make it stand out.
- Style (/10): The style of the graphics should be consistent and should enhance the visual appeal of the portfolio.
5. Visual Appeal (/5): The portfolio should be visually appealing. The use of colors, shapes, and images should be harmonious and pleasing to the eye.
6. Impression (/5): The portfolio should leave a lasting impression on the viewer through its artistic appeal.
Overall - /50.

Overall - /50

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