chapter 3

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Leon's pov

After reaching the company I went directly to my cabin. After completing all the remaining papers I decided to visit my best friend.
Without knocking I barged into his cabin and saw him smiling like an idiot.
" What are you thinking Luci smiling like that ? " I was confused as I took my seat opposite him.
" Nothing" he answered but I just smirked knowing very well why this idiot is smiling like an idiot. My baby is really pretty for the world but dear best friend don't forget she's a Diaz .
" How is she? " He asked still doing his paper work.
Oh bro when you have a crush on my baby you need to talk properly with her favourite brother.
" Who are you talking about? " I spoke as if I didn't know anything .
" I.... actually... Yes your sister " he stammered while I smirked seeing his condition. The feared Mafia shuttering.
I laughed" don't worry she's fine and she asked if you liked the cake? " I spoke.
Stopping in his tracks he said " delicious".
I was going to ask something when I phone started ringing. It was Dante, I picked up the call and answered "yes ".
Dante- That bastard Ron is trying to file something against The management saying they did injustice to him.
" After what he had done to my sorellina he deserves more. I was thinking to keep his little reputation of him being a murderer of his own son and wife for sometime but I think fate has some other plans" I was mad really mad.
" Yes boss " Dante cut the call and I sighed falling back on chair.
" What happened now? " Lucifer asked me questioning.
" That bastard Ron was trying to file a case against management saying they did injustice to him " i spoke and saw his jaw clenched .
" He was the one who gave Arna detention right " he asked while I nodded
" Leave him to me " I choked on my breath.
" I will handle him , a man who sexualizes his own students is not fit for developing students futures. He needs to be eliminated  " saying that he went back to his work while I just sat watching him as if he had grown two heads. This guy never I mean never interfered in any of my matter unless until I needed and now he himself want to break his cold heart.
" Do as your wish, I want to ruin his entire life . Because of him my sorellina was in hospital" I remembered and my first tightened.

" Brother no " Arna ran away from allessandro who was chasing her.
" Baby please you have fever , you can't go to college today " allessandro said .
" Please I promise to take care of myself " Arna pleaded to allessandro to let her go.
" What happened? " They turned their head looking at Leon.
" Baby don't you have fever? What are you doing out of your bed in these clothes" Leon asked questingly.
" Please only today , i really have an urgent project today" Arna stood beside Leon looking at him with her puppy eyes.
Leon and allessandro looked at each other knowing very well about her antics.
" Fine " allessandro sighed while Leon shook his head.
" Thank you thank you" Arna jumped on both of them taking the two off-guard.
" Sometimes I feel like Cupcake love her studies more than us " Leon complained.
" No I love you both more than my chocolates " Arna spoke seriously.
" Yes my baby loves us more " allessandro pecked her forehead.

Arna left for her college while the two diaz went to their works.
In college Arna is the famous, being good in everything she does. Some of students were envious of her about her talent and her family background.
There was a professor MR Ron who taught statistics. Who always targets those students who don't attend his coaching. Arna always stays away from him as he looks really shady. Knowing about Arna's background he was not able to trouble her but that day he gave Arna detention while she didn't do anything. She was just sitting at her desk doing her own work, which didn't sit well with the lecturer. This man sexualizes his own students even if they are boys. So all the students were afraid of him.
She complained that it's not fair as she didn't do anything wrong but he didn't listen to her and insulted her about her being orphan and be grateful that Diaz took her in. That is what depressed her mood so she gave up and went to the Library to write the detention assignment. Her eyes were teary and her health was also not in a great shape.
In evening Leon arrived at her college to pick her up and surprise her. But seeing no signs of her, he called one of his spy who stays in college as a employee but to protect Arna from enemies of Diaz.
From him he got to know about the incident in class and about the detention. He furiously reprimand him about not informing about such a big thing.
He rushed to the Library, while passing through the piles of books he found her sleeping. Thinking that she's alright he shook her but when she didn't respond he was terrified.
Pulling her in his lap he patted her cheeks but Arna was still. Her breathing was irregular and she was burning.
Out of no where she clutches his hand muttering " I am not orphan, not orphan" hearing those words Leon's heart broke. His first tightens and eyes darkens to torture the one responsible for her condition.
He picked her up in his arms and went to Diaz villa. Seeing Arna's state allessandro was furious. He destroyed almost the whole room as his anger rose.
After a day when Arna woke up she was greeted with loads of chocolate and teedys in her room. Her eyes waterered remembering what happened yesterday.
But allessandro and Leon didn't let her cry. Consoling her they reminded her of being their saviour. She is their life line and without her they wouldn't be sane. The three siblings stayed at their home enjoying watching movies and teasing each other.
The same day when Arna was sleeping allessandro was planning how to destroy the Ron's career. He ordered his mens to beat him up in public and burned his home.
While Leon writing the fate of Ron by threatening to demolish the college if they stood in their ways.
Due to these Ron destroyed his own career with his big mouth.

" Don't worry, just handle ceil for me " he spoke while my heart raced rapidly hearing that name.
" Sometimes I think they share the same brain cells even if they never met and their eyes captive everyone around them " I spoke remembering how similar ceil and Arna are.
" Don't say anything more about that idiot, he is giving me headache. We don't share the same blood but his temper is really high as mine " Lucifer sighed remembering when he forgot to buy a book for ceil and he  didn't talked to him for 2 days .

Ceil was the son of Mr Jacob ROSSI's best friend. After his parents with his little sister died in a mysterious accident, Rossi adopted him. He was only 3 year old that time. He would cry saying he misses his sister and parents. It was really difficult for the ROSSI to get ceil out of the trauma. But now he himself is a trauma to other's who messes with his family. He still remembers that accident vividly and still misses his little sister who would hold his pinky finger.

Arna's pov

I just don't get it how these two idiots stays up late but still looks like freaking god's while me if I don't sleep for 6 hours I will look like a burrito.
I prepared Leon's and allessandro's favourite dinner because their mood was little dark today.
" Alle Leo come down " just hearing me my both brothers descended from upstairs to our dinning table.
" Go help Sorellina, I will prepare the table" Alle spoke to Leo.
Leo and I went to kitchen and brought the dishes.
" It looks tasty cupcake " Leo exclaimed.
" Stop salivating idiot " Alle groaned while I laughed at their antics.
" Cupcake sit " Leo and Alle made me sit and
Served me .
They were keeping food one by one , by looks of it I will faint.
" Brother please I can't eat these much " I pleaded both they didn't listen to me and I end up eating everything on my plate.
" It was so tasty cupcake" Leo spoke patting his not so bloated stomach.
" Right sorellina it was so good" Alle patted my head and I just smiled at them for their praise.
Alle and Leo washed the dishes and after having little chit chat they sent me to sleep while they went to their cabin.
I was in deep thought looking up my ceiling.
Leo called him Lucifer, that's his bestfriend name. I heard about him but never saw.
He was really handsome just like lead of my Korean drama. Mostly I prefer my villains, they are so handsome, so protective and obsessed and he was just like them.
My heart fluttered remembering how he held me close to his heart , consoled me when I was in panic.

Thinking about him Arna went into deep slumber.
What do you think will happen next ?
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