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  "...Huh?" As if he didn't hear Shen Feiyang's words clearly, Wei Jueming looked at his friend in front of him as if he was meeting him for the first time, "What did you say?"

  They finally managed to You took this line, but now you are inexplicably asked to give up?

  Wei Jueming felt that something was wrong with Shen Feiyang today.

  Hearing Wei Jueming's words, Shen Feiyang raised his head, looked into his eyes, and repeated what he just said word for word: "I say, you should find another collaborator."

  Of course he could guess Wei Jueming Ming Ming was thinking about something at the moment, but he had no intention of taking back his words.

  Zhou Haisu does have the ability to help Wei Jueming fight for the ownership of the company from Wei Chengze, but whether the other party will sincerely help is another matter. After all, in the eyes of people like Zhou Haisu, Wei Jueming is really not a role. Even if he sends Wei Chengze to his bed, for Zhou Haisu, it is just another plaything.

  Thinking of this, Shen Feiyang suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and regret and guilt filled his heart.

  ——If he hadn't made that proposal in the first place, Wei Chengze wouldn't have had to encounter such a thing.

  Taking a deep breath and suppressing the turbulent emotions in his chest, Shen Feiyang's face turned pale.

  It's not that he doesn't trust Wei Jueming's ability to negotiate. In fact, the bargaining chip Wei Jueming can bring may not be able to catch Zhou Haisu's eyes. What's more, in the last life, it was precisely because of being severely cheated by Zhou Haisu that Wei Jueming suffered such heavy losses in that incident three months later, and even the entire Wei family was betrayed by him. Ate it.

  Although interests often coexist with crises, Shen Feiyang doesn't want to provoke such a deep-seated person.

  Of course, he had to admit that he was indeed frightened because of the tragic loss in gambling in his memory. Wei Jueming failed to beat Zhou Haisu last time, but this time he has fewer chips than last time. Why is he confident that he can beat the opponent?

  But Shen Feiyang could not say these words to Wei Jueming.

  Not to mention whether Wei Jueming would believe his words, let's just say that this is the most tempting opportunity in front of the other party, and Wei Jueming will not give up so easily. After all, in Wei Jueming's view, this is indeed a great opportunity to seize control of the company from Wei Chengze. But - could he tell Wei Jueming that Wei Chengze had never thought of taking that company as his own?

  Seeing the doubtful and inquiring look on the face of the person opposite, Shen Feiyang couldn't help but feel anxious. Several times the words of explanation came to his lips, but he swallowed them back.

  --can not say. Even if you say it, no one will believe it.

  Even if Shen Feiyang puts the contract that Wei Chengze gave him in front of Wei Jueming now, the other party will probably just think that Wei Chengze is up to something secretly, and it may not have any effect at all. It would also arouse Wei Jueming's suspicion of him.

  "Three months later, the real estate auction in the West Market will begin." Since he couldn't explain it, Shen Feiyang could only find another way to make Wei Jueming change his mind. "I think you should know what this means."

  That area was very envious when the old man of the Wei family was still there - in fact, as long as there is a little capable person in the city, there is no one who has not had the idea of ​​​​this place, and there are even people who have opened "De" It's a joke that those who live in the Western market will win the world.

  But before this, this place had always been in the hands of the government, but this time, for some unknown reason, it was suddenly put up for auction. You can imagine what kind of uproar it would cause when the news was released.

  Unexpectedly, Shen Feiyang would suddenly say such words, Wei Jueming couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. His lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly changed: "If this is really the case, then shouldn't I go and see Zhou Haisu?"

  Although he didn't know Shen Feiyang Where did he get this news, but Wei Jueming had no doubts. He didn't think it was necessary for the other party to lie about this matter. Even more excuse, as he said before, if even Shen Feiyang doesn't believe it, he will have no one to believe it.

  However, if he really wants to grab the only piece of meat among the many eager beasts, the bargaining chip he has now is really not enough. Obviously, Zhou Haisu, who had long been standing at a higher place and looked down on such a small place, had his best chance.

  Hearing Wei Jueming's words, Shen Feiyang couldn't help but want to slap himself twice - was he trying to persuade others to change their minds? He was obviously urging people to go see Zhou Haisu quickly, right?

  After all, Shen Feiyang is not a person who wallows in shopping malls. Naturally, he does not think about these things as profoundly as Wei Jueming. At this time, he can't think of anything to refute his words.

  After frowning and looking at Wei Jueming for a while, Shen Feiyang also stood up: "I'll go with you."

  Although he is not as good as Wei Jueming in these things, he is much better than Wei Jueming. One thing to lean on - he knows what the future holds.

  It seemed a little strange that Shen Feiyang was on guard against Zhou Haisu. Wei Jueming gave him a strange look, but since the time was almost up, he didn't bother to refute anything. Anyway, judging from the other party's appearance, it was obvious that he would not understand the reason for this. speak out.

  After calling the waiter to pay the bill, Wei Jueming took the lead and walked outside, acquiescing to what Shen Feiyang just said.

  From what he knew about Shen Feiyang, it was absolutely impossible for this guy to say such things without any reason. He was just a little surprised as to what Zhou Haisu had done to make Shen Feiyang so wary.

  Logically speaking, these two people should have nothing to do with each other, right?

  The coffee shop the two of them went to just now was diagonally opposite the company where Zhou Haisu was on a business trip. It was obvious that Shen Feiyang had considered the possibility that Wei Jueming would not do as he said. He still knew something about his friend's stubborn character.

  To their surprise, after arriving on the top floor of the company, they didn't wait long before they met Zhou Haisu.

  You know, as a party asking for help, in order to show their attention, they all come a lot early, and Zhou Haisu is undoubtedly not the kind of person who is free at any time.

  But Zhou Haisu, who had the mentality of dying early and being reborn early, was not in a good mood when he saw Wei Jueming. His eyes paused on Shen Feiyang for a while, and he couldn't help but stabbed: "Mr. Wei, can't you trust me? Why do you want to bring a lawyer with you for a meeting?"

  The current president of the Wei family is Wei Chengze, not Wei Chengze. Wei Jueming, everyone present knows this, so naturally only one person can understand the meaning of "General Wei".

  But to Zhou Haize's surprise, Wei Jueming actually accepted it with an unchanging expression: "Mr. Zhou misunderstood, this is just my fault. I heard that I am going to meet a big shot, support me." He's here!" He smiled at Zhou Haisu, "If you don't like it, I'll ask him to stand outside!"

  Zhou Haisu couldn't help but look at Wei Jueming in surprise when he heard this, and frowned slightly. Picked the ground.

  To be honest, Wei Jueming's character is quite to his liking. If the person this guy wants to deal with is not Wei Chengze, he might actually help him because he looks pleasing to the eye. . But now...when he thought of what the person in front of him had done before, the little interest that had just arisen in Zhou Haisu's heart was overwhelmed by disgust.

  Glancing at Shen Feiyang beside him, Zhou Haisu sat down on the sofa without saying anything else, acquiescing to Shen Feiyang's existence.

  When Wei Jueming saw this, he couldn't help but feel relieved. Although he didn't seem to take what Shen Feiyang said just now to heart, to be honest, it was a bit difficult to not care at all. With Shen Feiyang by his side, he could feel a little more at ease.

  Although he was not kicked out by the owner here, Shen Feiyang also felt conscious and did not do anything to increase his presence. He just sat on the side and acted as a quiet decoration. Anyway, he couldn't say anything about what those two people said.

  Listening to the mysterious conversation between Wei Jueming and Zhou Haisu, Shen Feiyang's brows furrowed involuntarily.

  It's not that he discovered the trap set by Zhou Haisu, but no matter how he listened, he didn't realize that the other party meant to set a trap for Wei Jueming.

  But...how is this possible?

  Even if Zhou Haisu was satisfied with what happened last time, it would be impossible for him to completely change his attitude, right? And judging from his performance just now, the other party obviously doesn't like Wei Jueming very much.

  "In three months, there will be a chance for you to make a comeback." Zhou Haisu's words shocked Shen Feiyang, and he immediately raised the alarm in his heart to the loudest.

  However, the more he listened, the more Shen Feiyang felt something was wrong - what Zhou Haisu told Wei Jueming seemed to be correct information?

  Although he has memories belonging to the "future", Shen Feiyang is not the person who has personally experienced that incident. Naturally, many details are unclear, but Zhou Haisu has completed them one by one. In that case, it would be better to just buy that area directly for Wei Jueming.

  Even though there is still a long time before the auction of that property starts, Wei Jueming can already say that he is very sure about this place.

  With a look of doubt appearing in his eyes involuntarily, Shen Feiyang looked at Zhou Haisu who was lazily leaning on the sofa and frowned little by little.

  There is no doubt that Zhou Haisu doesn't like Wei Jueming very much - this can be seen from his slightly impatient expression and the disdain he showed casually. Zhou Haisu didn't even bother to cover up his feelings. manner.

  Of course, with his current identity and status, there is no need to do such a thing.

  But precisely because of this, Zhou Haisu's behavior makes people feel more and more strange - if he doesn't like Wei Jueming at all, why does he try his best to help? Even Shen Feiyang could tell that the demands made by Zhou Haize were simply dispensable to him, just like when playing a game, the other party had no chips, so he just randomly picked something interesting.

  Of course, Wei Jueming couldn't feel anything that Shen Feiyang could see. However, no matter what he thought, he could not think of a reason for the other party's attitude, so he could only put the matter aside for the time being.

  At least for now, this matter has no harm to him. Although it's not common, pie will occasionally fall out twice in the sky. And all he has to do is be careful not to let the pie get smashed to death.

  "Thank you very much, Mr. Zhou." With this thought, Wei Jueming stood up and stretched out his hand towards Zhou Haisu.

  No matter what, from now on, he and the person in front of him are considered partners.

  Zhou Haisu raised his eyes and glanced at Wei Jueming. The impatient look in his eyes became more obvious, but he didn't know what he thought of. Finally, he stood up, stretched out his hand and shook his hand: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

  Watching the two people go out After opening the door, Zhou Haisu immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

  "Hello?" Wei Chengze, who was flipping through the file that his secretary had just brought over, didn't look at the caller ID and picked up the call directly.

  "I miss you." As a result, the person opposite didn't say anything, but just said this, with a tone of aggrievedness like a dog left alone at home.

  When he thought about the expression on the face of the man who was much taller than himself when he said this, Wei Chengze couldn't hold back and laughed directly. His eyes under the lenses were full of smiles. .

  Seeing Wei Chengze's smile, the female secretary who was waiting for Wei Chengze's reply was stunned for a moment. This was the first time she saw her boss showing such an expression, and even the cold and solemn aura around her seemed to soften at this moment.

  "You go out first. I'll take care of it later and bring it to you." He raised his head and said to the female secretary with a smile. Wei Chengze put the mobile phone away to his ear again: "What's wrong?"

  "I'm sick. I'm lovesick and I'm afraid I won't die soon." Looking at the floor displayed on the elevator, Zhou Haisu ignored the various looks in the eyes of the people around him and continued pitifully, "Are you really not coming to see me one last time?"

  Wei Chengze? :...

  He always feels that a certain person's shamelessness is really getting deeper and deeper.

  "Don't worry," Wei Chengze stabbed Zhou Haisu's heart with a knife while looking through the documents on the table, "after you go down, we can still meet in a few decades."

  "Dear Yes, you don't love me anymore..." After hearing Wei Chengze's words, Zhou Haisu's voice suddenly turned resentful. The little daughter-in-law's tone made the people sitting in the elevator with him couldn't help but feel... I got goosebumps all over my body.

  If it weren't for the fact that this guy was their immediate boss, maybe they would have just forked this shameless guy away.

  The curve of the corners of his lips widened a little, but Wei Chengze's voice seemed particularly cold: "I loved you."

  "Really?" Zhou Haisu's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing Wei Chengze's words, "Say again. "Once?"

  Wei Chengze: ...

  with a pause in his hand, Wei Chengze wisely changed the subject: "Have you met Wei Jueming?"

  "Yes, I have." Seeing that Wei Chengze did not answer. Zhou Haisu felt a little regretful about his own words, but being able to hear it just once was considered as something he had earned.

  Thinking of this, the smile on Zhou Haisu's face became brighter: "Are you at the company now?" He took out the keys from his pocket, walked to his car, and asked, "Should I pick you up now?" "

  ... "I always feel that as a person who holds the life and death of several companies in his hands, he is not doing his job properly. What seems to be wrong?

  Scanning the document in his hand, Wei Chengze sighed softly: "I'm hungry, let's go eat together."

  "If you really die of illness, I will be in trouble." Sign where needed After writing down his name, Wei Chengze said with a smile, "But, just this time."

  Even though he knew that this was just a reply to his previous joke, Zhou Haisu's mood suddenly soared uncontrollably: " Okay! "

  As for this time... As long as there is a first time, are you afraid that there will be no second time?

  After hanging up the phone, Wei Chengze stood up with his file and walked out of the office.

  "That one just now, is that your girlfriend?" She reached out to take the document from Wei Chengze. The female secretary looked at the smile that had not faded from his eyes and couldn't help but ask.

  Hearing the female secretary's words, Wei Chengze's expression suddenly turned cold: "No." After a pause, he added, "Just an ordinary friend."

  "I have to go out, please push all my appointments for today." After saying that, Wei Chengze turned around and left regardless of the stunned look on the face of the person opposite. After taking two steps, he seemed to suddenly remember something. He turned around and said, "Thank you for the gift last time. It was quite useful." It was

  n't until Wei Chengze left for a while that the female secretary suddenly seemed to remember something. As if he had come back to his senses, a complicated expression appeared on his face.

  She didn't know what she said wrongly to make Wei Chengze's eyes show such a look of forbearing and suppressed pain. Even her heart couldn't help but ache just looking at it.

  Because it was not commuting time, there were not many people using the elevator, and there happened to be no one inside at the moment. Wei Chengze took off his glasses and leaned his head against the cold metal wall, with an expression on his face as if he was about to cry.

  What he said just now was really not something he said casually.

  Even Wei Chengze didn't expect that he could actually use that thing.

  Thinking of the scene two days ago when Wei Jueming suddenly pushed him against the wall and asked him if he had drugged him, the smile in Wei Chengze's eyes deepened.

  It seems that the seeds that were planted at the beginning are slowly but surely taking root and sprouting.

  All he needs to do now is water and fertilize occasionally, and then wait for the day of harvest.

  Thinking like this, Wei Chengze slowly closed his eyes. When he opened it again, all the expressions inside it had faded away, leaving only a calmness like dead water.


  #HELP: My host always likes to be concave when no one is around. How can I break it? Quite urgent#

  When Wei Chengze arrived at the appointed place, Zhou Haisu was already waiting there. When he saw Wei Chengze, he threw away the menu in his hand and pressed Wei Chengze into a deep kiss. It looked like the two hadn't seen each other for months.

  Somewhat helplessly, he put his arms around Zhou Haize's neck. Wei Chengze's slightly narrowed eyes showed a smile that could not be concealed.

  "You have to remember," Wei Chengze stretched out his tongue and gently licked the corner of Zhou Haisu's mouth. Wei Chengze was a little breathless, "all of this... you forced me..."

  "Yes," Zhou Haisu responded, his voice a little Hoarsely, "I forced you..." The last syllable disappeared between their lips.

  As a result, a lunch that was supposed to last for just over half an hour was forcibly extended to three hours.

  Wei Chengze: Fortunately, I asked someone to push the appointment in advance, haha.

  "Can I leave?" Zhou Haisu closed Wei Chengze's mouth, biting the tip of his ear gently, his slightly deep voice filled with lust that had not yet faded.

  Hearing this, he couldn't help but glance at Zhou Haisu. Wei Chengze snorted coldly and said nothing. At this moment, even his waist was so sore that it felt as if it was not his own. When he walked...hehe.

  Zhou Haisu obviously saw this, and he couldn't help but laugh lowly: "That's good." He lowered his head and took a bite on the side of Wei Chengze's neck, "Originally, I was thinking, If you can still walk, do it again." As he said that, he deliberately rubbed Wei Chengze's buttocks with his knee, as if he was very sorry that he couldn't do it again.

  Wei Chengze: ...

  If he hadn't really had the strength now, he would have directly smashed the dishes on the table into this man's face.

  "I'll carry you back." Not paying any attention to Wei Chengze's slightly dangerous gaze, Zhou Haisu picked up Wei Chengze, opened the door and walked out.

  Fortunately, Zhou Haisu was aware of the influence and did not go out directly through the front door, otherwise Wei Chengze would be so beautiful and let him go so easily.

  While cleaning Wei Chengze's body, he couldn't help but bite him again. Zhou Haisu touched the bloody tooth marks on his shoulder and couldn't help baring his teeth.

  ...Okay, he admitted that he did go a little too far, just a little bit.

  Looking at someone lying on the bed looking at him with squinted eyes, Zhou Haisu reached out and touched his nose, feeling somewhat guilty for no reason.

  Taking out the things he had prepared long ago from the pocket of the coat that was thrown on the ground, Zhou Haisu sat on the edge of the bed, with a rare expression of nervousness on his face.

  "This is it?" Wei Chengze tilted his head and looked at the small box handed to him, and there was a faint guess in his heart.

  Zhou Haize opened the box and the contents were displayed in front of Wei Chengze.

  It was a simple ring with a small leaf engraved on the silver ring, which was simple yet beautiful.

  "I'm not proposing," knowing it wouldn't be accepted. "I just..." At this point, Zhou Haisu paused, as if he didn't know how to explain his thoughts, "I'm a little scared."

  I'm afraid that everything now is just another game of Wei Chengze. When the game is over, The other party will trample his sincerity underfoot again and leave him alone.

  He was just... eager to prove something.

  The hands holding the box were a little sweaty. Zhou Haisu stared at Wei Chengze closely, for fear of missing any subtle expression on the other side.

  After staring at the ring in Zhou Haisu's hand for a long time, Wei Chengze suddenly laughed: "If I wear this ring on the middle finger of my left hand," he looked at Zhou Haize and asked softly, "would you be unhappy? ?"

One Hundred Ways to Whitewash Villains [Quick Wear] ━ Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now