Chapter 37

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April's P.O.V

I brought Angel a bear onesie yesterday. This morning, I woke up to him digging in my drawer for his Captain America action figure that I hid from him because of his bad behavior.

I smiled at how cute he looked. I took a picture of him and posted it on my Snapchat (pic in the media).

After that, I giggled lightly and woke up Blake. He saw Angel.

"Aye!"he exclaimed

Angel jumped and turned to face us. Before Blake could say anything else, Chloe came dashing into the room, screaming her lungs out.

"What happened?"Blake asked

She sprawled out on the floor, bawling her eyes out.

"Chloe"I say

"Th-they traded uncle DJ to the Dallas Mavericks an-and uncle Matt was traded again to the...the Memphis Grizzlies, daddy get them back please!"she exclaimed
"Baby girl, I'm afraid I can't do that"he responded

She stared at him for a while, then her tears came falling out again.

"Noooo!!!!"she exclaimed, running out of the room

"Well, I'm glad my season starts tomorrow. Enjoy the kids"I say, getting out of bed

"April..."Blake says

I walk over to his side of the bed and kiss his cheek.

"You'll live, just like I did"I said, patting his back

He groaned. I smirked and made my way to the kitchen, chasing Angel down the hall. I love his little baby giggle.

I picked him up and tickled him, carrying him downstairs with me.

"What does little Angel wanna eat for breakfast, hmm?"I say

"Cheewio's"he says

I smile.

"Okay"I say, kissing his forehead

I walk to the cabinet and get the Cheerio's for him.

"There you go"I say, pouring them into a bowl

He doesn't like it with milk...I know, weird kid.

It wasn't long before I saw my auburn curly headed daughter run out the door.


I ran to the open door and stood on the porch.

"Chloe Sani Griffin, you better stay where you're at right now"I demand

She stopped in her tracks. I already know what she's thinking.

Uh oh is right.

"Turn around and take 15 steps forward"I say

She began walking back to me, counting the number of steps she took.

"It was actually 20"she says

"I don't care"I say, making her flinch

She gave me a painful face that said sorry.

"Where were you going?"I asked, placing my hands on my hips

"I was going to say my last goodbyes to Uncle DJ"she said, looking down at her purple converse

"You could've asked me and your dad first...besides, he's coming over anyway. So you can go upstairs and change into some nice clothes that way you can wish your uncle DJ good luck come his next season"I say

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