EP. 2

372 16 3

Chloe goes to High School...

Chloe's P.O.V

Finally, Freshman year. New school, new people, new age (15) but the same squad since 2nd grade.

Can you believe this? Okay, so I'll tell you what happened this summer.

Riley was crushing on Chris...hard. So now they're dating. Saige and Andre are together now 😍. We recruited a new girl to the squad, her name is Emily.

Well she's been my bestie since diaper days, so she's not new to me, but she is to the others.

Anyway, she's with Eric. Isn't that adorable? I know.

So, everybody in a relationship and I'm here like 😒. But that's because I miss Carter.

My love.

My dad keeps warning me that HS is not easy, but I won't believe him. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, so now I'm taking Algebra 2 (Trigonometry) in the 9th grade.

If I pass this year, I get to go to part 2 of Trig in 10th grade. That's technically 11th grade math. But whatever. I just wanna be on the Honor Roll this year...for my whole HS life.

Meaning 90's and up this year.


So Angel is now 11 years old and still annoying. No offense, but he's a pain in the butt.

I love him, but he's gives me a headache like no tomorrow. It's always Chloe this, and Chloe that.

Shut up!

He said he can't wait till I go to college, I can't either 😁.

With the situation I'm in now, I should be happy.

But you wanna know something cool? There's basketball tryouts in 2 weeks. Me, Riley, and Emily are going to tryout.

Saige decided to stick to Soccer, and she's really good at it. I've been to quite a few of her games and she's 👌. She tried to teach me, but I fell a couple of times, so I just gave up.

Plus, I think I'm somewhat good at it.

But it's not my main sport.


"DJJJJJJ!!!!"I exclaim, jumping into his arms

He chuckled, catching my 5'8" figure in his 6'11" figure. I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"You're growing on me man"he said

"I'm only 5'8". You're still a foot taller"I say

"So what? You're in the 9th grade now, right?"he said

I nodded.

"Damn. I wish Matt could see you now"he said

I laughed.

"She only has one more inch to grow and 3 more years of HS"my dad said, taking his duffel bag out of the trunk

"Daddy can I get a car for my 16th birthday in February?"I say

He glared at me. DJ laughed.

"Ask your mom"he said

I nodded.

"Here, take this"he says

"That's yours"I say

"Hold it"he said

I grabbed his bag and slung it on my shoulder.

"Gonna watch us practice today?"DJ asked

"Nope, I'm gonna practice with you guys"I say

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