Chapter 3 After the battle

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Things very different now in hell ever since the extermination was cancelled early as the hotel was rebuilt, looking better than ever with a golden statue to honour the fallen Dazzle.As there is the fact that the Vees are now a duo, missing the tech savvy as there was a lot to process what had happened.Even though everything was cleaned up.

It was clear that there were things that needed to be answered as Valentino seems to be more aggressive as of lately. Without the tech overlord, there's no one there to calm down the pimps rage.So that is an issue to say the least, not to mention what the television demon said before biting the bullet.

That had Velvette interested as the moth didn't seem to care and didn't listen.But after a while. Valentino soon came around to that as the members of the remaining Vees wanted to know for very obvious reasons.As for now there was a lot to do not to mention the fact, how would heaven react to the first man no longer being around.

Because what Nifty did was clear that Adam probably wouldn't have survived.But there wasn't anything that had happened, so everybody was safe for now as things in the hotel seem to be going on as usual, except something is off about the radio demon.There is the fact that he doesn't leave his room at least when he needs to other than that he's been in his room for unknown amount of time.

As this is starting to become an issue, but unfortunately, as everyone in the hotel got to know the radio demon. It was clear that whatever is happening Alastor didn't want anybody to know about it.As there is something that's not even the bartender knew and he has been working for the radio demon for a very long time.

As the only one who ever knows anything about it might've been Vox but everybody already knows what happened to him.So it became up to Charlie to figure out what exactly is bothering the facility manager but after the whole filming accident with Valentino, including discovering somethings about her girlfriend.

The princess of hell, had discovered that there are things that can't be forced as that's what she had been doing without even realizing it. So Charlie was still going to try to talk to the radio demon, but not trying to force anything. Ever since the whole filming accident with Valentino.Soon after that whole accident, though it was nice to see that Angeldust and Husker are bonding.

But right now it's time to focus on Alastor and figure out what's happening with him.When approaching the door of the room that belong to the radio,demon there was some music that is jazz coming out of the room.It is clear that Alastor didn't want to talk to anybody at least for now.

As there was always jazz coming out of the room whenever he is there, but it was never this loud so it is clear that isn't the right time for talking.Luckily Charlie had a back up plan for situations like this soon after placing a envelope down and quietly pushing it carefully through the door.After that is finish the task the princess of  hell soon left as there was still a lot to deal with.

As apparently thanks to the news now everyone wants to see the hotel.But not in the way Charlie had hoped, however, as there was a lot going on as it was overwhelming to see the lease with so many questions for many reporters. Including that being another problem as well.Since Vox didn't survive the extermination the entire digital network of hell has been going crazy since that happened.

As there is a huge crowd of reporters wanting some answers about everything luckily Lucifer and Vaggie change just in time and push the entire crowd of reporters away from Charlie before becoming completely overwhelmed by them.Then the princess soon found herself at the bar and asked for a drink. That surprise the bartender as he never thought the princess would have a drink at all even the spider demon never had expected this.

"Are you sure you want one? It's honestly surprising coming from you because you don't seem like the one to have a drink."

"You honestly be surprised by this but I've had a couple of drinks before. But I've only had them whenever I feel overwhelmed and this is that time. I honestly never expected this to happen at all."

Husker soon gave Charlie a drink as it surprised the bartender that she took the bottle as well not only finishing the drink that he gave her but finishing the entire bottle as well. Angeldust just looked shocked by this, including the formal overlord as well. Neither of them had ever thought that Charlie would drink an entire bottle like that. As the princess and explain that while she does drink at times, she rarely does only when it's bad.

Usually Charlie would go to get comfort from Razzle and Dazzle but after what happened, it was clear that they needed to be a drink. Now, while the princess of hell is grateful that the extermination is cancelled and the hotel was rebuild. Not to mention all of the public reviews on it there was also a feeling of dread considering what happened.

Especially the whole Adam accident as there's no telling what could happen now. Including the fact that the radio demon didn't wanna come out of his room. As the deer overlord has been there after the hotel, got rebuilt and had and left since well at least from what they've seen. Everybody already knows that he can teleport and travel through the shadows, but they haven't seen him physically for a while now.

" I still don't understand what's going on with strawberry pimp. He hasn't left his room in a while and I haven't seen him."

"Yeah I have known him even before I lost my bet and he never acted like this before. But he'll come around when he wants to I suppose. As I don't know that much about him, but maybe Rosie does they've been friends for a good while."

"Hey you're right Husk. Rosie might know what's going on with him.I think I have to go back to cannibal town to see what's got Alastor so worked up about this. I've already left him a letter about it, but I think I have to go and find the answers for myself."

Soon after the conversation with the bartender and the spider demon, Charlie soon left to go to cannibal town to talk to Rosie about it.As it is clear that the radio demon isn't going to talk about whatever's bothering him so it's gonna be up to the princess of hell to figure out what exactly is happening.As soon as possible as the aftermath of the battle really left everyone wiped out.

[A/N:I just wanna say that Rosie is going to be here. It's just because the whole hashtag limit here,that's it.]

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