Chapter 13 Packing up

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There is a lot to do as there was so many things to pack when Charlie received the news from her father that he along with her are requested to Heaven to talk about the Exterminations.That is something that Charlie never had expected, but why would Heaven want to see her and her dad it was about the Exterminations but for what purpose. Not to mention that Lucifer mentioned that the handwriting is Michael's.That had surprised Charlie because the little was known about her uncles.

It made sense, considering how Lucifer felt with heaven and the fall.Soon after collecting some things to take to heaven there is so much to do not to mention that there was more to heaven than besides the gleaming city.When Lucifer told Charlie about the invitation there is some information that her father forgot to explain apparently just like hell it is clear that Heaven also has seven layers.

The only differences instead of the seven sins there are the seven virtues for each level of Heaven.That makes sense in all honesty as there is also the fact that unlike Hell the Winners can explore all of Heaven. That was interesting as apparently all of the Winners explore all of Heaven, while all the Sinners in Hell are only confined to the Pride ring.

Soon as Razzle is also helping to pack as well bringing in many things to put into the suitcase.There is a lot that needs to be packed because Charlie was going to meet Michael for the first time not to mention that this was a good way to keep things occupied.After what with Mimzy it was strange seeing that side of the radio demon it was a side that neither her or Vaggie had never seen before.

But it was a good thing that he had stopped though, but it was very strange as then everything in the suitcases packed almost as there was some clothing that needed to be placed in. As the other thing is that Lucifer or Charlie can bring in a guest so that's some good news, but it's still concerned the princess as to what exactly does heaven want to talk about with the Exterminations?

("I don't understand why does heaven want to see me and my dad? It's about the Exterminations as it said in the letter, but is it also about what happened to Adam?I honestly don't know what to do not to mention since my first visit there are things didn't go as planned.")

There is so much to do as there is one suitcase is finished now it was time for the rest as there was just gonna be snacks in this suitcase it was a lighter suitcase like a purse, but it was still a suitcase.As Razzle soon came back with some snacks as Charlie is also packing in some stuff as well not to mention being a little bit nervous.Because after what happened the last time when visiting heaven that was very intense to say the least, but maybe this time it will be different.

Not to mention that the princess can finally meet the rest of her family, even though she didn't knew that much about them her father always gave the best stories about them. As it can't help, but be wondered if Lucifer missed his siblings as well.As it is been a very long time since they've seen each other but there was also the fact that the exorcists.

Will they be there as well? It made sense honestly especially with the lieutenant being there.As it is clear that this will be about the Exterminations so that is something to deal with. But it still doesn't explain why heaven wants both Charlie and Lucifer to be there.It is just a strange situation for the Morningstar family it will be a lot more different if Lilith was around.But that is not the case as everything needed for the trip is coming along very well.

Perhaps it is for the best to check if the former exorcist is doing well with packing.Soon after leaving the room and heading to the front lobby of the hotel to see how Vaggie is doing with all of this. The truth was revealed to the princess. There was a lot that needed to be asked about her girlfriend. There will be after the trip and maybe while they have time there.

("I hope that Vaggie is doing well with packing for the trip to heaven. Also, I think it will be for the best anyways at least for a while until Alastor is better, I never seen him act like that before.That is so strange to say the least.")

After taking the a while, Charlie had finally managed to get to the front lobby as everything was set up to head well heaven of course. As the princess had also brought her luggage along with the help of Razzle as after he finished, he soon headed out to be with the giant golden statue of Dazzle.There is a very sad scene, but there was nothing that could be done. As everything the princess needed is all ready to go as although left to do is to wait for the former exorcist and Lucifer.

("I'm all done packing now all this stuff to do is to wait for Vaggie and dad then off to heaven.I hope this visit will be different from the last time. I still don't understand why we need to talk about the exterminations though.But I'll know the answers when I'll get there.")

After a while of waiting Vaggie had finally arrived at the front lobby, having all of her luggage there as the bartender look to see that everything is going smoothly for the trip. It's strange honestly, as he never thought he would end up here and while he was thinking about being at the hotel here.The princess along with her girlfriend is having a conversation with each other as Husker is soon distracted by the spider demon.

As Angeldust is doing a lot better now ever since Valentino had been on a hiatus of sorts.As it is unclear when the moth demon would call him back, but for now, things are relatively smooth at the moment then Lucifer soon arrived at the hotel with some luggage as well for the trip.Then a gold glow soon came out in the front lobby of the hotel.

As on the other side of the portal is fluffy clouds with pastel colours.Then Charlie and Vaggie including Lucifer soon stepped into the other side.Then the portal soon closed as the Morningstar family and former Exorcist are now on a trip in Heaven to discuss about the Exterminations.

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