3. Twisted by circumstance

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Utahime shut her eyes close very tightly. She almost feels the hot tears forming in her eyes. Slowly, she plucks up her courage to open them again, taking a faint look at all seven pregnancy tests in her hands. Four sticks appear with double lines, two are negative and the last one — a digital test — says she is at least 3 weeks pregnant

She doesn't have to second guess whose child she is carrying. There is only one answer to it

Utahime slips down to the floor. Her hands are frantically trembling, cold sweat dripping on her forehead

"What am I supposed to do?", she whispers quietly, hot tears starting to roll down her face. "What am I supposed to do?", she cries helplessly

It is still clear in her mind seeing Gojo rushed out to leave that morning, as if he was caught up with a ghost. It makes Utahime want to believe that Gojo finally realises it was a mistake between them because after all, they are just two people who know each other, nothing more

Utahime finds an off-road. It is not possible for her to speak to Gojo about this any time soon with him avoiding her left and right and doesn't even try to make it less obvious. And there is no one she can reach out to and talk about this either

Utahime folds her knees up to her chest and she buries her face deep into the crook of her legs, crying out. She thinks the world has come to crash down before her eyes

//3 days later//

"That's all from today", Utahime dismisses he students

As soon as she steps out of the classroom when she suddenly receives a phone call from an unexpected person : a higher-ups member

Without thinking much, Utahime immediately picks up, not to make her boss wait

"Hello, Iori Utahime speaking"

"Iori, there is something important we need to talk about with you. Make time in the evening", a stern, emotionless voice says from the other side of the line

"Sure. I will head there as soon as possible", she keeps the conversation short and cuts the line

Utahime takes a cab to go to the Jujutsu HQ located somewhere in the outskirt of Tokyo city. After paying for her fare, Utahime gets off the car

She stands in front of the old building a good minute. For some reason, her heart is beating so fast. Utahime inhales a deep breath before she climbs up the flights of stares then gives a rather loud knock on the door to alert the people inside. She only goes in when a voice invites her to

"You called for me?"

"Yes, we do"

"I find it odd to be summoned during this time in the middle of the week, not to mention, you called for only me", her voice sterns up

Despite her being known as someone loyal to her boss, Utahime is not completely naive. Working as a sorceress for a decade, more or less, makes Utahime well-aware of her surroundings

Judging from the urgency, This could be a scheme to a straight up death-calling mission, or another undercover errand to spy on their enemies. Either way, Utahime knows she cannot hold her guard up during their confrontation so they will not even try to intimidate her in any way

"You seem to get ahold of the situation very quickly. As expected, Iori-san"

Utahime squints her eyes

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