13. Twisted by moment (part 1)

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Gojo randomly hums to a song as he diligently collects baby clothes from the hanger rack and shoves them into a basket

"Tsk! Tiny human", he can't help but to chuckle while holding those tiny pyjamas, hats and socks


Utahime looks in Gojo's directions as he walks into the room

"Here, tiny human's clothes"

She giggles. "Thanks"

Utahime packs the baby's clothes as well as the other necessities into a hand carry

"Will you keep calling him that even after he is born?"

"Probably", Gojo simply shrugs his shoulders

Utahime gives him a disbelief glance with the corners of her eyes

"What did you bring? Tell me which is what"

Utahime frowns. "Why you want to know?"

"I want to remember them. So if you need anything, I know what should I get for you"

Utahime smiles from ear to ear, a little touched. He was a dork seconds ago and now he shifts into someone so thoughtful. Does he have a split personality or something?

"Well...", Utahime stands there with both hands on her hips. "I don't really know what to bring too, since this is my first time and nobody's telling me how to do it", she huffs after a long sentence. "I just looked it up and matched with things I think I might need"

"That's fine. If you need something but we don't have it in there, I can run and get them for you"

Utahime grins

"So, first and foremost, health record book. It has everything in here. If the doctor or nurse asks for this, it will be in this front pocket"

"Got it", Gojo nods

"I bring a cardigan, socks, my going-home clothes, underwear, maternity pads, slippers.. this small tube is nipple cream, and this brand-new breast pump...", she points at every item as she tells the name, and Gojo remembers every one of them in one go. "For the baby, I only bring 2 sets of pyjamas, socks and gloves, a hat, and the swaddle I embroidered myself. A feeding bottle and new born formula.. just in case I can't produce breast milk", she ends with a puff. "Can you remember them all?"

Gojo takes a few seconds to finish memorizing inside his head. "Yeah, I got them all", he says confidently

"Your stuff?"

"I'm all ready", he confirms. "Shall we leave now? Or we'll be late"

Utahime takes a deep breath and exhales steadily. "Yeah, sure"

Gojo seals the luggage and pulls it out with them to the living room

"You've got a car, right?", Gojo asks as he picks up his own back pack from the living room floor

Utahime digs inside a vase before pulling out a set of keys. "Yeah, I do", swaying them

Gojo snatches the keys from her. "No way I'm letting you drive"

He takes Utahime's hand and leaves the house, locking the door, and takes the elevator to the basement parking

Gojo opens the door for Utahime and lets her get in first. Closing the door, he drops the luggage and his own back pack in the back seat together with an infant carrier, then gets on the driver side

"Here we go", Gojo puts the car into gear and it slithers up the basement into the road

He drives rather calmly, no rush despite the road being clear from vehicles. Their destination is not that far anyway. It won't even take 10 minutes if he actually puts on some speeds

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