Chapter 10

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"You got her?" Usagi asked kuina.

"Of course, I'm quite strong, you know," Kuina responded, while carefully supporting the injured Mai.

They had finally made their way back to the beach.

"Let's take her to my lab, I have supplies there that can help," Ann suggested.

As they entered Ann's lab, Ann motioned towards a table for Mai to lie on.

"Is it safe? You usually have dead bodies on there," Tatta whispered.

"I clean it," Ann reassured, putting on gloves.

"I can clean and bandage her, but that's about all. We don't have much here," Ann explained as she cut Mai's top.

"Hey," Kuina said to Usagi.

"Yeah...?" Usagi replied.

"Wanna come with me to find her a new top? I doubt she'll want to wear that one when she wakes up," Kuina suggested, sensing Usagi's nerves.

Usagi took one more look at Mai and agreed.

"We'll be back. Just gonna grab Mai a new top for when she wakes up," Kuina announced as she pulled Usagi out.

"What do you think she's into?" Kuina questioned as she sifted through a small mound of clothes.

"I think anything that fits her well would be appreciated," Usagi replied, not knowing Mai's exact size.

Kuina then hoisted up a swimsuit top, similar to the one Usagi was wearing.

"I think this will work," Kuina declared.

"Then let's head back," Usagi agreed.

Just as they were exiting the room, they spotted Tatta approaching them.

"What's wrong, Tatta? Why aren't you with the others?" Usagi inquired.

"Some militants came and said that Hatter wanted to see us. The others are already there, but I decided to come get you," Tatta explained.

"What about Mai?" Kuina wondered.

"She should be alright for now. Ann bandaged her up," Tatta reassured.

"Let's go then," Kuina determinedly suggested, glancing at Usagi.

"Okay," Usagi responded.

The trio had finally arrived at the doors leading to the hatter's usual spot, with Kuina taking the initiative to open them.

As they ventured further into the room, Kuina couldn't help but mutter, "holy shit..."

It was indeed hatter, but to their shock, he was lifeless.

Chishiya remarked, "He couldn't complete his game."

Ann, driven by curiosity, approached the table, but Niragi intervened, warning her not to touch hatter due to her obsession with dissecting things.

Ann reluctantly stepped back, but not before noticing the bullet wound on hatter's chest.

"This wound was caused by a bullet," she pointed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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