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MY HANDS GRIP onto the frigid railing of the newest nightclub my dumbass friends are attending. I watch Demetri fuck a blond in the corner booth next to the bathrooms. The darkness shadowing their silhouettes as people bypass without a glance.

Talon looks miserable but too drunk to understand his very own misery. He leans against the bar chatting the bartenders ears off who regards my best friend with sympathy.

Jesus Christ.

I got a text from Ryat thirty minutes ago briefing me on the situation. Everyone is shitfaced including his baby sister who can't stop giggling at her annoyed older brother's face.

Demetri and Talon refuse to leave so here I am playing babysitter for the night.

"Want to buy me a drink?" A petite girl with an asymmetrical face and eyelashes that reminds me of spiders cozies up to my side. My distaste is palpable and her perfume is sour and pungent making my nostrils burn.

"Fuck off." I shake her from my arm and wipe the sleeve of my henley thinking that'll remove her filth from my clothes.

"You're such an asshole!"

"Thank you." She yells another profanity at me but I'm already making my way down the staircase.

Eminence Haven Night Club has got to be hell on earth. I can't even fathom why anyone would venture here for enjoyment. The air reeks of desperation and a foul stench of sweating bodies.

The neon lights and too loud music makes it feel like a fever nightmare.

I scan the crowd one more time and approach Demetri in the corner. He's on top and I watch him drive into this girl with hard and repeating thrusts. I roll my eyes and kick his ass with my foot sending him flying off the blonde who yelps.

Her fake tits are bare and she makes no move to cover herself when she notices instead the plastic bitch smirks at me.

I can't hide my disgust when I hear Demetri curse, "what the fuck?" He rolls over his hard dick hanging from his jeans, "Maddox? Goddamnit, you piece of shit!"

"Put your dick away and get the fuck up we're leaving."

I hear him protest but I'm already walking away my eyes set on a melancholy Talon who can't seem to shut up about his daddy issues tonight.

"I try so hard man, I really really do. If my shop fails it's just another fucking reminder to Christian almighty Archer king of petroleum that I'll never amount to anything without his goddamn help."

I hear him mention his pretentious jackass of a father to the bartender. The same man who stops by my house ever so often to tell his twenty three year old son that he needs to move back home and stop humoring the idea of becoming a tattoo artist.

"He's such an asshole—" I ignore my phobia of touching and grab Talon's shoulder spinning him around to see blood shot eyes. Not from any type of drug but from raw and undesirable emotion.

This is why we can't let Talon drink the man has no hold on his emotions. The second a sip of alcohol is in his system he's telling everyone his sob story and can barely contain the tears that so desperately want to fall.

Going Mad For Maddox Where stories live. Discover now