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I HEAD STRAIGHT for the back patio, making sure to open the sliding glass door carefully, not wanting for him to hear me and pitch forward, tripping over a potted plant.

He never said I couldn't leave the house.

I take the steps down at an alarming speed. The sun is no longer present letting the moon take over, casting a glinting shadow along my skin, highlighting the goose flesh that erupts onto my arms, legs and back until the pricking sensation of hysteria claws at me.

And head straight for the woods.

My chest is tight as I continue to run, my heart rattling until I feel like I'm going to throw up when I hear the distinct noise of Maddox shuffling not far behind me.

He's walking. He's fucking walking as if he thinks— no, that he knows that he'll find me no matter how hard I'll try to hide from him.

The scent of pine trees and hint of smoke hits me the closer I reach my destination, praying that the heavily wooded forest will be my refuge. My body is pleading for me to slow down when a burning sensation hurtles its way up my throat, but I refuse it and continue my hurried strides.

The moment the first stick breaks underneath my foot my fear intensifies. The sound is barely worth any type of significance but it's also the very noise that forces me to slow down and suck in a deep breath.

Maddox isn't neurotypical, his fervent misguided senses are undeniably vicious yet he has mastered his mask of false sanity. He is the kind of man that had to forge his pride, knowing that society needed to see it in order to respect him. But I know Maddox actually revels in the way he's able to fool the people around him, conspiring against the world that has never once been kind to him.

He is a man on fire, a haunting vision of chaos, a mercilessly beautiful light of madness.

I'm going down a dangerous path with him, but something tells me it will be the most glorious yet arduous maze I'll ever walk through.

My hands tremble when another stick breaks, turning around thinking he's right behind me, but I see nothing but trees, so many trees, that the forest almost feels like it's closing in on me.

The dynamic between Maddox and I have enormously changed ever since he had his fingers inside of me with my hand wrapped around his cock. The length of him was impressive, having me wonder what it would have been like to taste him.

My feet stay rooted in their spot almost wanting him to find me. To force me to my knees, grip my hair, and fuck my throat until everything around me ceases to exist.

But another part of me is hesitant, wondering if letting him do that to me will only solidify the girl I've always been told I'll grow up to be.

A whore, a slut, a woman worth nothing but what hides in between her legs.

But it's different this time. I know that yet I can't shake the feeling of crippling anxiety that forces me to take shelter behind a foliage of bushes.

My cheeks turn hot, tingling its way to the back of my neck when I get my first glimpse of him. God, he's a man worth everyone's attention, grasping ahold of a deathly edge that makes you want to cut yourself on it.

He scans the areas, his eyes pausing on where I'm hiding, having me clamp a hand over my mouth until my oxygen levels begin to drop. Can he see me? He flits his gaze away, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. He brings it up to his mouth and cups his hand around it, lighting the end of the cancerous stick.

Going Mad For Maddox Where stories live. Discover now