7. truths ☆

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He watched her pick up the knife and storm out of the store before stooping to pick up the remnants of the broken frying pan. He leaned against the counter, his gaze fixed on the spot where she had stood, seething with anger just moments ago.

It was impressive, her strength, he didn't realise she'd had it in her. He paused, looking at the deep dent left in the counter. It seemed her family was her trigger point.

He sighed, as he tried to go back to restocking the shelf, trying to make the store look as inconspicuous as possible, but he would be lying to himself if the attack on her Aunt didn't send alarm bells ringing. 

He had to call Big Kim.

Pulling out his phone, he dialed his number. The phone rang twice before a gruff voice answered.

"Jay? What's up?" Big Kim's voice was cautious, always wary of bad news.

"Kim, we might have a problem," Jay said, keeping his voice low. "Rei's aunt got attacked, put in a hospital. I think it's connected to us."

There was a pause on the line, a heavy silence. "Why?"

"Who attacks a nun in broad daylight?"

"Her Aunt is a nun?" Big Kim laughed, not quite appreciating the severity of the situation.

"Kim, she came at me with a knife today. This is serious."

Big Kim's laughter abruptly stopped, replaced by a more serious tone. "She did what now? That girl's got more fire than I thought. But back to her aunt—did you have anything to do with it?"

"Of course not," Jay replied, frustration edging his voice. "But you know how this looks. Rei's tied to us, her aunt gets hurt—people will make connections."

"That's messy," Big Kim conceded. "You think it's a message to us?"

"It might be," Jay said. "She's done enough work for us to be recognised now. It could be someone trying to push her to act out, get to us through her."

Big Kim sighed. "Alright Kid, I'll look into it, see if anyone's stirring up trouble or trying to move against us. But I did she when you bought her in that she's your responsibility. This is just more work for me. "

"I know, and she isn't going to be doing anymore work now, and normally I wouldn't care about some girl's Aunt, but I think this is a warning for us." 

"Ah Su mentioned something about that" he mused.

"Su said what?"

"Said Rei came in earlier today all guns blazing asking where you were, said she's done, that you let her go."

 He pinched the bridge of his nose, wondering if it was worth telling them. He decided against it. "Yeah she was too much hassle, not worth it."

"Really? She seemed very efficient to me, she brought in those 100 bags like a champ," he questioned.

"Efficient or not, she's become a liability," he said, trying to sound more confident about his decision than he felt. "And after today, with her aunt and her coming at me with a knife, it's just not worth the risk anymore."

"Alright, your call. Just know I want those 100 bags, I don't care how you get it,"

"Sure. I'll come by the garage tonight, just make the calls."

"Don't boss me around boy!" Big Kim shot back, before bursting into laughter and hanging up the call.

With another sigh, he tossed his phone back onto the counter. His head was a mess, starting with whatever the hell happened with Rei last night, and he was still shocked she had the guts to come storming into the store with a frying pan. She'd gone hard and cold on him, seemingly at the same time he started to go soft on her. He didn't know why, maybe it was because they spent too much time together, maybe he should have just left her to it. But he secretly admired that no matter how hard he pushed, she pushed back, not with threats or manipulation but in her own way. It was a steely confidence people didn't have. 

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