26. nightmares ☆

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Your mind screamed in protest. You pushed against him, every muscle in your body tense with resistance. No, no, this can't be happening. But he was strong, too strong. The taste of his kiss was bitter, like stale cigarettes. This wasn't what you wanted, not at all.

Summoning every ounce of strength, you shoved at his chest. "Victor, stop!" you shouted, the words tearing from your throat. He didn't listen. Instead, he tightened his grip, his fingers digging into your skin, and shoved you backwards.

Your legs hit the edge of the couch, and you stumbled, the world tilting as you fell. The cushions softened the impact, but pain shot through your back. You forced yourself to move, to scramble to your feet. But before you could rise, Victor was on you, pinning you against the couch, his grip like iron around your wrists.

Panic surged through you, sharp and overwhelming. You tried to get up again, but he was on you instantly, pinning you down with his weight. You kicked out, your foot connecting with his shin, but he barely flinched. "Get off me!" you screamed, thrashing against him.

His face was inches from yours, his breath hot. "Stop fighting," he growled, his grip tightening painfully on your wrists. He forced his lips onto yours again, more aggressively this time, his kiss violent and possessive. You turned your head, trying to break free from his assault, but he grabbed your chin, forcing you to face him.

"I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about?" he purred in your ear. Revulsion and fear surged through you. Summoning every ounce of strength, you struggled against his hold.

"Please, stop," you begged, your voice breaking.

He chuckled darkly, his grip unyielding. "You know you don't really want me to," he whispered, his voice dripping with arrogance and entitlement. You tried to twist away, but he forced his lips onto yours once more.

The sound of the door opening barely registered over the pounding of your heart. 

"What the fuck."

It wasn't until Victor's grip loosened slightly that you dared to look up, your breath catching as you recognized the figure in the doorway.

And you saw your worst nightmare.


It was him—Jungkook. He stood in the doorway, cheque book in hand, and for a moment, everything else faded away. Were you hallucinating?

"Ah, perfect timing," Victor crooned, a twisted grin spreading across his face as he turned his attention to him.

You lay on the couch, head and heart throbbing, unable to move as you stared at him. It had been 2 and a half years of constantly dreaming about his face, trying to remember the sound of his laugh, trying to forget the pain, and now, here he was, a vision amidst the nightmare.

For a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Your breath caught in your throat, the air around you thick and suffocating. Your eyes traced every familiar contour of his face, each detail a painful reminder of what you had lost when you made your choice that night, all those years ago.

His hair was slightly longer, falling into his eyes in a way that made him look both older and more vulnerable. The same eyes that had once looked at you with such warmth were now hard and focused. You remembered the countless nights you had spent trying to recall the exact shade of his eyes, and now they were staring right back at you, piercing through the fog of your fear.

Victor laughed in the background, cold and chilling, as he walked over to him. Jungkook didn't move, instead his stared at you, as if fixing you into place. You saw the muscle in his jaw tense, he was angry, a quirk you remembered, one you would likely never forget.

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