twenty. **

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sam rechner, rowan
jennifer love-hewitt, jessica

first day of term. great. evie still didn't wanna get up just like last term because she'd flown in late the night before. "aw dad can i not just wag? i'm so tired." the blonde groaned but mike and jessica were too busy cooking breakfast downstairs to even hear her.

evie had a quick shower and dried her hair, slipping on a low waisted long white skirt, a blue bra and a brown tied up cardigan.

"you look cute

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"you look cute." jessica complimented and passed evie a plate of a 'mockmuffin' which was a fake mcmuffin because jessica kind of insisted that mike and evie getting maccas every day wasn't the best for their cholesterol or something.

"thanks jess, hey dad you got coffee going? i really wanna wag but can't really. everyone'll be expecting their best mate to return after not seeing me all summer." evie asked and took a huge gulp of coffee from the mug that mike passed over. "cheers. shit i'm late. you dropping me?"

"yeah. let's run kid." mike gave jessica a kiss before darting out the door.

"see you later, mum." it was an accident. it shouldn't have come out, it really shouldn't have. it never had, she'd never called anyone mum before it felt weird. "oh— i'm... i'm just gonna go." evie shut the door and palmed her forehead as she got into the car.

mike cracked up at the mess up his daughter caused before they finally arrived at school.

evie didn't see a familiar face as she walked into school until missy's familiar red car passed with malakai sitting in the passenger seat but before she could stop and say hi, amerie dragged her away, not noticing that the blonde was waiting for malakai.

"okay dusty from wish." darren pointed out, seeing that ant had totally changed his appearance. it was strange to see everyone again since evie had been in north macedonia all summer and had come back with a tan, that was about it. and a couple tattoos.

"it's called evolution, someone has to be the hot guy at hartley now." he replied cockily. "i'm willing to fill any holes left by dusty, any holes." he looked harper and evie up and down, the latter cocking her eyebrow at her friend.

"fuck off anthony." evie insulted and rolled her eyes at the boy.

"wait what do you mean left by dusty?" harper asked.

"oh, didn't you hear? dusty doesn't go here anymore, how could he? after you ko'd his reputation in front of the whole school. that's what? two guys you've gotten kicked out of hartley. first cash, now spider. who's your next victim?" spider started and evie just rolled her eyes.

"hey spence?" evie called out looking through her bag. "you want apple or peach?" she asked.

"uhhh apple?" he replied and evie got an apple out of her bag and threw it at spider's head. "what the fuck, fruit bitch." the apple had knocked ant's gummies on the floor and he shoved all of them in his mouth.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓, malakai mitchell Where stories live. Discover now