Chapter 1: Past Reveal

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Everyone were in the main living room, discussing their previous mentioned when they heard the knocks coming from the door of the universal exports.

"Don't worry, I got it"

Louis stood up as he head for the door, he thought it was the detective coming back to fill them in on their journey in America but to his surprise... standing in front of the doorway, he was met with the familiar faces of his beloved brother and... sister.

Louis widened his eyes as he stumbled backwards.

"Albert... William..?" Louis whispered in disbelief, Albert and Lilliana smiled. Then Louis stepped out of the room and closed the door. As the door was shut, the three stood looking at each other in silent for a brief moment then Albert broke the silence.

"Louis... these past three years, I am truly sorry" Albert whispered, Louis softened his gaze and smiled. "There's no need to apologize, brother. It was my own wish to atone this way"

Albert smiled, "you've become strong" Louis blushed, then he turned to look at Lilliana, he couldn't help but widened his eyes in shock. She was no longer dressed up as a man—as William James Moriarty. Her hair was long, beautifully done in a half up, half down decorated with flowers and ruby gems. She was wearing an elegant brown and white dress with floral patterns and laces. It compliments her eye.

Louis smiled as he felt himself tearing up. It has been so long ever since they were adopted into the Moriarty household. "Lilliana" Louis said her name in disbelief, making her smile.

"You look so beautiful" Louis smiled, "Thank you very much for choosing to live" Louis turned to look at his sister as he pulled both Albert and Lilliana into a hug. Lillian nodded, "Thank you for waiting for me.."

As the Moriarty siblings continued catching up with each other, the other people on the other side of the door—inside the living room—couldn't help but be curious, so they had decided to eavesdrop and they were shocked. They could pick up Albert voice easily.

"Are they coming back?!" Herder chirped excitedly. Moran on the other hand was confused because he was certain he heard a woman voice too.

Oh lord, did Albert bring a woman home?

Moran turned white, making Bonde confused. "Moran, are you alright?" He asked. "No, I'm alright"

That can't be right... although Albert is the one actively courting women, he would never bring a lady home. Moran thought.

After a little bit more, Herder loudly knock on the door, he was impatient as he just wanted to meet the two again. To his luck, the door opened rather quickly and to everyone shock, they expected to see the three Moriarty brothers but they didn't see William, except the one standing between Louis and Albert was a woman.

Moran widened his eyes, "what is this... Holmes said William is alive!" The others gasped, could it be that the detective lied?

Lilliana chuckled and smile. "Well, William James Moriarty is dead" The other looked at Lilliana in shocked. "This isn't a laughing matter, miss" Bonde whispered. "Who is she anyway?" Herder asked Albert, Albert grin like a Cheshire Cat and shook his head. "Figure it out" While everyone was chattering in confusion, Moran looked at Lilliana closely and then he widened his eyes.

This woman looked oddly familiar, the same blonde hair as Louis, those scarlet eyes, and the smile. It looked all too familiar. Moran gasped, making Lilliana giggled. "Did you figure it out, colonel?"

"William?!" Moran shouted, making the others gasped in shock. As they turned to look at Lilliana, they could finally see it. The resemblance under that light makeup, there was no doubt that this person is him. Lilliana softened her gaze.

"Everyone... I will explain everything to you—" "Welcome home master William!" Fred exclaimed excitedly, "we've always believed and waited for you!" Moneypenny followed.

Herder screamed excitedly, making everyone smile. "Welcome back, Will and Albert!" Bonde welcomed.

Lilliana smiled as she brought a finger to her mouth. "William James Moriarty is dead... for I am, Lilliana James Moriarty" she stated, making everyone smile. Albert leaned towards his sister and whispered, "Lilliana Holmes" the blonde blushed, making Albert smirked.

"Now come, let me tell you everything.. the reason why I changed my identity"

. . . .

"Will—Lillian, you sacrificed so much for the sake of this country... even your identity and your life" Lilliana shook her head, "It was not just me who sacrificed, we all did. I'm thankful for all of you" Bonde looked at Lilliana and smile, he found someone who had gone through the same process as him.

"I'm a little upset that you thought that we would treat you differently when you're a woman.." Moran added. "I'm sorry, I thought about it after we welcomed Bonde into the Moriarty plan but I was still slightly afraid."

"No, I understand your decision, Lillian. But We will admit that it will take us a while to adjust to this new information, the name 'William' will slipped out here and there"

"I don't mind" Lilliana replied but then her head ached. Albert seemed to notice this and quickly but gently pulled Lilliana's head to rest on his shoulder.

"Thank you" Lilliana whispered.

"Oh my" Jack exclaimed suddenly, making everyone stared at him. "Young Will—Lillian are you... engaged?" Jack hesitantly asked as he is afraid it is not his place to ask in front of everyone.

"Oh" Lilliana looked at her wedding ring, a deep red painted across his cheeks. "I'm married actually"

"What?!" Louis said in disbelief. "For how long?!" Herder and Bonde asked in sync. "Three years" "no.. most importantly... to who?" Moran asked, making Albert smirked.

Lilliana blushed as she quietly answered, "Sherlock" but they couldn't catch the answer. "Sorry can you say that again?" Even after three years, the thought of the detective and their wedding still made Lilliana shy and acts like a teenager in love, so, to help his sister; Albert decided to tell them.

"She is Mrs Holmes, everyone, Lilliana Moriarty Holmes." Albert turned to the blonde, "you have no idea how I much I want to say this"

"Sherlock?!" Louis asked in shock. Lilliana nodded, "He is a wonderful man, Louis.. he affirmed my existence. He is caring and always makes me feel like the luckiest person when I don't even deserve him. He was there to help me atone, comfort me when I have nightmares or questions my existence. He had always been there for me and I love him..."

Suddenly, Lilliana cried. Everyone stared, startled and taken aback then they rushed to ask her if everything is okay.

Lilliana nodded, wiping away her tears. "I'm sorry... I just miss my husband. I haven't seen him for 3 months" Albert softened his gaze, everybody feels like Albert knew something that they don't.

So, he got up and quickly took Lilliana to her bedroom, it was easy to find since their initials are on the door.

As they got in, Albert closed the door and helped Lilliana sat on the bed.

"Your pregnancy hormones?" Lilliana nodded. "I believe so"

Albert nodded, "how far along are you?" She looked at Albert, "16 weeks, I haven't told Sherlock yet. I found out I was pregnant a few days after he left for work in Asia" Albert nodded, "You know the dinner is tonight, get some rest. He will be there and you can tell him"

Lilliana smiled at her brother, "thank you Albert"

Secret Untold || SHERLIAM || Female William James Moriarty AUWhere stories live. Discover now