drunk bum

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Word count: 2.57k

"C'mon man where's my backup??" Yuji shouts, violently mashing on the buttons of the game controller from his position on the floor.

"Shut up, dumbass." Megumi responds agitated but still as level headed as ever as he plays some stupid game beside Yuji in your living room.

"You know some people are studying over here." You mutter as you read the same question for the twentieth time.

They simply ignore you.

Then the front door swings open before closing violently.

You don't even need to look to know who it was.

"Daddy's home." You tease Megumi as you focus on your homework laying on the coffee table.

Megumi rolls his eyes.

"Hi Mister Fushiguro!" Yuji chirps as Toji plops down on the couch behind you, face down and so harshly that the floor beneath you shakes a bit.

He grumbles incoherently and waves dismissively without even opening his eyes.

"He's drunk. Again." You observe vocally as you poke the side of his face causing him to grunt and swat your hand away.

"When is he not?" Megumi responds nonchalantly as he continues his game with Yuji.

"A man has a right to get drunk and fall asleep on his couch in his own home!" Yuji declares as if he was a motivational speaker.

Yuji idolized the deadbeat man. Why? You weren't sure. What was there to idolize about a man who barely had a job until recently (all thanks to your father) and slept on the couch of his friends (your father) house every night for the last 10 years?

"Not his home." You correct as you answer one of your homework questions.

"Oh yeah. When are you guys gonna move out of here?" Yuji asks Megumi.

"How the fuck should I know?" Megumi rolls his eyes.

You snicker. "I don't mind you being here but your dad is annoying." You turn to look at the man in question who was already snoring loudly and drooling on the couch cushion.

Megumi simply sighs. "Tell me about it."

"He's so cool though!!" Yuji enthuses.

You and Megumi share a look.

"Right." You quip sarcastically. "So cool."

"I hear you little shits." Toji grumbles, voice slightly muffled into the cushion.

"Oops." You shrug with faux innocence.

You then feel a sharp tug on your hair.

Immediately you turn to the man who was now facing you with his cheek resting against the cushion, black hair falling just in front of his emerald eyes as a small smirk lays on his scar adorned lips.

You send him a scowl and poke your tongue out.

He huffs and mutters sharply. "Fuckin kids."

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