ignorant bum

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Word count: 5.87k

"I can't believe you're actually a virgin. A real life virgin. Right in front of me. I mean, I figured since you had your first kiss the other day but damn." Nobara blinks at you in awe.

In all honesty, you couldn't even depict how your conversation had spiraled into this topic. While sure, you are still getting to know Nobara, it's clear she finds enjoyment in teasing. She appears to have a penchant for gossip and drama, yet her teasing is playful and delivered with a somewhat masculine flair. It doesn't unsettle or bother you; instead, it's more on the embarrassing side which you have a feeling she enjoys. You're sure the alcohol she has running in her veins isn't helping either.

You immediately shush her with panic, gaze flickering towards the two boys passed out on the floor of your room. You might as well label this room as yours, Megumi's, and Yuji's at this point because you can't remember a night you spent sleeping in this room without them mere feet away.

Yuji stirs a bit and his foot lying on Megumi's chest jolts but they both stay asleep. A look of blissful ignorance litters Yuji's face as light snores reverberate from his throat. Megumi wears a calm, slightly irritated look, showcasing his displeasure in Yuji's antics even in his sleep.

Nobara came home with the boys after some college party they had attended, apparently they had gotten too inebriated and Nobara had to drive them here. Considering how late it is, you opted for her to just stay the night for safety concerns.

"There's no way they don't know already." Nobara snickers at your panicked gaze on the two boys.

You sigh and shake your head to yourself with closed eyes. "It's not that rare. A lot of people are.. virgins." You murmur.

She snorts before gazing around at your room with her palms pressed into your soft carpet flooring to support her weight behind her. "Riiight. Whatever helps you sleep."

You blink at the floor, chewing on the inside of your cheek. The idea of possibly confiding in Nobara crosses your mind as your fingers play with the carpet beside you. Nobara seems.. seasoned in these things. You don't have a lot- actually any female friends and it's not like you could ask Megumi why you're soaking through your panties whenever you're in contact with his father or how to fix it.

You thickly swallow. "Can I talk to you about something in risk of sounding weird and or.. gross?"

Nobara's eyebrows twitch up a bit in intrigue as she gives you her undivided attention. "What's up?"

Nobara can tell something juicy is coming and she's desperately starved of thrilling drama considering the most she gets in that department is Yuji's incessant babbling about what type of takoyaki is the best flavor or conspiracies about the Earth being flat or not.

You take a deep breath, eyes flickering towards your boy best friends once again to ensure they're deeply asleep. Your thoughts race with possible ways to start this dreadful conversation. "Don't- laugh." You warn.

"Psh, out with it." She dismisses you lightheartedly as if you're simply being ridiculous.

"There's this.. uh- guy-"

"-Who?" She interrupts with enthusiasm, body inching towards you with large eyes and a grin.

You gnaw on the inside of your cheek and groan internally at the thought of even speaking Toji's name in this context. Her attentive gaze and amusement bristling just below the surface certainly isn't helping your anxious nerves.

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