Locked Memories

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"No!, I don't want to go please-"


"Dude, I found a skeleton!?, did someone die? why is it here?" Adventures mumble amongst themselves as they discuss the rare sight. Many of them wanted to bury it while others wanted to call the police. That's where something bizarre happened the skeleton stood up. The bones crackled and popped as it sounded like a smoking-blazed fire.

 As if unfazed it walked toward the group before bowing and disappearing in thin air as if it were to say thanks for the concern. The group was shocked and some fainted on the spot soon news went around of an undead skeleton soon becoming a legend among the kids as a savior that protects children. Of course, some adults used this story but added a dark turn to it to scare misbehaved kids, The classic tale of the skeleton that hunts children when misbehaving and locks them up until they behave.

Soon there were so many versions of the story,  and people even took it as far as to hunt for it winning a sweet prize for bringing it back. While the stories circulated where was the skeleton? Well, It practiced. You might ask what practice would a skeleton need? The answer would be it's talking skills... The skeleton wasn't sure where it was nor how it became what it was now. It considered itself a monster and wanted to hide itself. Was it a punishment? The memories were all fuzzy and blurred.

"H-hellloo" the skeletons voiced echoed throughout the forest. Its words would stretch and would have a case of stumbling when trying to hold long conversations. Although the long conversations were just 2-3 words that could leave its mouth before the opposing person either ran, screamed, or fainted most of the time. "Hello, Hello" and "Nice to meet you" In this case the opposing person or... animal in this case was a parrot repeating the words of people that had spoken near it.

This made the skeleton happy as it was the only thing that had never fainted or screamed while it talked. "Bye Bye," Bye Bye," The parrot said before it flew away. The skeleton was a bit saddened that it flew away but went on with its adventure wanting to cover up as the bare bones were open to eyes and draw unwanted attention to it.

Note from author: Hello like I said in the description this is an alternative way of seeing my life and what many children went through when growing up. It might be triggering so please dont read if triggered easily.

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