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how does he hug you?
— when bertholdt hugs you, he likes to drape one of his arms around your shoulder and pull you close to him that way! from there, he can use his other hand to rub your back or play with your hair! isn't he just the sweetest?

how does he hug you?— when bertholdt hugs you, he likes to drape one of his arms around your shoulder and pull you close to him that way! from there, he can use his other hand to rub your back or play with your hair! isn't he just the sweetest?

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how does he hold you?
— very warm and inviting. whenever bertholdt hugs you, he'll press his forehead to yours and kiss the top of your head. his hugs are not too tight but with enough force to ground you, might sometimes lift you a little if he's really excited...if he's stressed and you hug him, he calms down almost instantly. your embrace makes him feel soooo much better!

how do you like to cuddle one another?— cuddling with bertholdt is a dangerous game lol

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how do you like to cuddle one another?
— cuddling with bertholdt is a dangerous game lol. i only say this because he's famous among the group for his artful sleeping positions because he can contort his body in the most absurd ways while asleep, and the others have learned to use these positions to predict the weather.
— with that being said, i believe it would be in your best interest to be the bigger spoon since your boyfriend is a very active sleeper, moving positions pretty consistently. when he isn't sleeping though, he will 100% be the bigger spoon, practically wrapping his entire body around yours with how big he is. he's not only is he gentle with you, but he is very warm too. 💗
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how does he hold your hand?
— he just loves to hold your hand and he could do it all day; he loves the way your hands briefly touch when you walk side by side, and he can't resist the overwhelming urge to take your hand and intertwine it with his; bringing it to his lips and kissing it softly as he looks at you. he likes to caress your hand or squeeze it, to show you that everything is fine, and that he is with you.
— though, bertholdt will admit outright that if you two end up getting spotted by reiner and a few of the other boys, he will inevitably get shy from their comments about you two, but don't worry! this does not mean that he'll stop holding your hand. he'll just have to use his other hand to either cover his blushing face or scratch awkwardly at his neck as you two pass them.

how do you kiss?— bertholdt loves cups your cheek or gently rubs your lips before connecting them to his

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how do you kiss?
— bertholdt loves cups your cheek or gently rubs your lips before connecting them to his. his kisses are usually extremely gentle since he fears crossing your boundaries. however, it is difficult for him to hide his flushed cheeks and desperate moans if you initiated a heated kiss.

what was your first kiss like?— it was mostly thanks to bertholdt's impulsiveness that was mixed with his nerves

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what was your first kiss like?
— it was mostly thanks to bertholdt's impulsiveness that was mixed with his nerves. the funny thing is that he didn't take you out on a date or anything like that, he just of sort let it happen. after supper, bertholdt was doing the gentlemanly thing and walking you back to the girl's cabin but it took a few moments to realize that he was all tense. before you could continue to question him, he leaned in and pull you into a sweet kiss. it was warm and surprising to not only you, but bertholdt as well.
— as both of you pulled away, you then heard giggling coming from inside the girl's cabin, meaning that some of them were eavesdropping on you two.

— as both of you pulled away, you then heard giggling coming from inside the girl's cabin, meaning that some of them were eavesdropping on you two

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