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Zara bustled around the kitchen, orchestrating the preparation of a special meal with the assistance of the household servants.

She meticulously followed the recipes, ensuring that each dish was crafted to perfection.

In addition to the savory delicacies, she took care to prepare a variety of sweets to satisfy everyone's palate.

As the aroma of the freshly cooked meal wafted through the kitchen, Zara felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her.

She had always found solace in cooking, and today was no exception. With a gentle smile, she surveyed the array of dishes laid out before her, ready to be served to their esteemed guests.

Once the preparations were complete, Zara gracefully made her way to the dining room, where the family had gathered to partake in the feast.

As she started serving Rahim his food, her movements were careful and deliberate, a silent expression of her devotion to him.

As Zara delicately served Rahim his food, Adil Shaikh's authoritative voice pierced the air, his words laden with expectation.

"Rahim, when can we expect the news of your second heir?"

he inquired, his tone brooking no room for ambiguity.

Rahim's response was measured, his voice steady as he addressed his grandfather.

"I assure you, Dadu, the matter is under consideration. You will be informed in due time,"

he replied, his words carrying a hint of steel beneath their calm exterior.

Adil's gaze narrowed slightly, though he offered a curt nod in acknowledgment of Rahim's assurance. However, his next words left no room for negotiation.

"Two months, Rahim. That is the timeline I expect you to adhere to,"

he declared firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Zara felt a knot form in her stomach as she observed the exchange between Rahim and his grandfather.

Zara's hands trembled slightly as she continued to serve the meal, acutely aware of the weight of Adil's expectations.

Nadia's calculating gaze lingered on Zara, her mind undoubtedly racing with plans to expedite her own daughter's marital prospects.

The weight of Adil's expectations hung heavily in the air, casting a pall over the otherwise festive atmosphere.

Rahim's jaw tightened imperceptibly, though he offered no outward sign of dissent.

Instead, he simply nodded in acquiescence, though his resolve burned fiercely beneath his impassive facade.

As the conversation shifted to lighter topics, Zara couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides.

After serving Rahim his lunch, Zara retreated to the kitchen, her mind still swirling with the weight of Adil Shaikh's expectations.

With a determined sigh, she gathered a tray of food for Leyla, her steps purposeful as she made her way to her sister-in-law's room.

Entering Leyla's room, Zara found her sister-in-law resting on the bed, a weary expression etched on her face.

With a gentle smile, Zara approached Leyla, setting the tray of food on the bedside table.

"I brought you lunch, Leyla. I thought we could have it together,"

Zara offered softly, her voice filled with warmth and concern.

Leyla's tired eyes lit up at the sight of Zara, gratitude shining through her exhaustion.

"Thank you, Zara. That's so thoughtful of you,"

Leyla replied, her voice tinged with fatigue as she shifted to make room for Zara on the bed.

As they shared their meal in the quiet confines of Leyla's room, Zara couldn't help but confide in her sister-in-law about Adil Shaikh's insistence on a second heir.

"Leyla, Dadu expects Rahim to provide news of a second heir soon. I don't know how to handle this pressure,"

Zara admitted, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Leyla reached out, placing a comforting hand on Zara's arm.

"Don't worry, Zara. You can do it . I know you will handle it."

Leyla reassured her, her tone soothing as she offered words of encouragement.

After lunch, Zara assisted Leyla in lying back down, ensuring her comfort before Leyla drifted off to sleep.

With a gentle kiss on her sister-in-law's forehead, Zara made her way back to the kitchen to tidy up.

Returning to Leyla's room, Zara was greeted by the sight of her nephew, crying softly in Leyla's arms.

Without hesitation, Zara stepped forward, offering to take over the soothing duties.

"Let me take him, Leyla. You need rest,"

Zara suggested, her tone gentle yet firm as she reached for the baby.

Leyla nodded gratefully, relinquishing her hold on the infant.

"Thank you, Zara. I trust you with him,"

Leyla murmured, her voice heavy with fatigue as she settled back against the pillows.


Zara cradled the baby in her arms, his cries gradually subsiding as she rocked him gently.

With a tender smile, she laid him down on the bed, surrounding him with pillows to ensure his safety.

Taking a moment to watch him sleep peacefully, Zara felt a surge of maternal warmth wash over her.

With the baby settled, Zara retreated to the bathroom to freshen up, her mind momentarily free from the weight of familial expectations as she focused on caring for her loved ones.

Rahim entered the room, his footsteps echoing softly against the floor as he took in the sight of the baby sleeping peacefully on their bed. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm light over the scene, accentuating the serenity of the moment. As he approached, the sound of running water from the bathroom drew his attention, prompting him to investigate.

Pushing open the bathroom door, Rahim's gaze met Zara's, and for a fleeting moment, a spark of desire flickered in his eyes. Despite the temptation, he resisted the urge to indulge in intimacy, instead opting to wash his hands in silence. Zara breathed a sigh of relief as Rahim exited the bathroom, her body still tender from their previous encounters.

Returning to the room, Rahim's gaze softened as it fell upon the sleeping infant, swaddled in a white cloth. With gentle movements, he lifted the baby into his arms, marveling at the fragile innocence of new life. Zara emerged from the bathroom, her eyes widening in surprise at the tender scene before her.

For the first time, she witnessed Rahim's guard lower, his eyes alight with unspoken affection as he cradled their child. It was a rare moment of vulnerability that spoke volumes to Zara, filling her with a sense of awe and gratitude for the man before her.

Their intimate moment was interrupted by a knock at the door, signaling Arman's arrival. Zara hurried to answer it, ushering Arman into their room with a hesitant gesture. Arman's eyes immediately sought out his son, his expression softening as he beheld the sleeping infant in Rahim's arms.

Rahim offered Arman a knowing smile, a silent acknowledgment of their shared bond as fathers. As Arman prepared to leave with the baby, Zara's timid voice interjected,

" please, make sure Leyla gets some rest. She needs it after everything."

Arman nodded in understanding, his gaze lingering on Zara with a mixture of appreciation and respect before he departed.
Alone once more, Rahim and Zara shared a quiet moment.

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