Back In The Fandom BUT!

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Hai this kind of a wil awkward......OH WELLLLLLLLLLL. So yeah basically I'm back in the fandom, well technically I've always still been in it. I said I left but I still hyperflixation on the characters never left and I still wrote fan fictions to myself through the time I "left" I just tried to gaslight myself into thinking I left apparently smh.

I know this fandom is like hella dead and barely anyone's in here anymore but whatever, I'll still right for myself and whoever is still left in here. Which is not that many people but I'm pretty sure at this point anyone is starved for some new AUL fan content.

So yeah the gist of it is I'm back but I'm switching accounts, I love this account and I wanna preserve it for memories!!!! So therefore I made a new one! With tons of followers! (0) and a whole load of motivation (sorta) to start me off with! Who knows, maybe I'll even migrate some of my old stories to that new account (no) and maybe when I do get the motivation I'll finally finish my crack ship requests. (Maybe) (no!) so yeah.

I'll link the account here if you guys wanna follow it or whoever the hell is still even in this fandom. Sigh. It's been four years cmon leave this shitty place already :/ (NO!) @xbeaXnie so there we have it, I'm planning to upload my first two books on there! (My fanfiction book and my headcannon + shenanigans book.) Warning you right now! I have awful grammar so don't expect much godly writing from me. But I do know how to write paragraphs! (One thing I can flex fr!!)

I'm planning to keep the books separated because I plan on dumping a lot of random shit and such, so yeah!!!! And I don't want them to get mixed up together! :3 Warning my fanfiction book will contain some NSFW stories but don't worry they'll be labeled so you won't get hit with a flash bang of "😫~" So yeah. It will most likely as of right now at least remain full of fluff stories because I'm still learning how to write nsfw. (So in other words you're safe for the time being.)

Okay I'm yapping way too much!!!!! Cya there whoever still is in Wattpad AUL. 😞 (it's gonna be like 1-2 people watch!) (Maybe 3 if I'm lucky :C )

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