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I wake up to a loud noise.

I look over and see Christian snoring loudly.

I grab my pillow and throw it at him.

"What?" He gets up and looks at me "What the fuck do you want?"

"Can you not snore so loud!? Thanks." I lay back down and throw the covers over my head.

He throws the pillow back at me "Fuck off, midget."

I scoff and throw the pillow back at him "Then keep it down!?"

He stands up and smacks the pillow in my face "Cover your ears."

I spit out a feather "It's not even funny! I can't even sleep properly! Look at the clock, it's 4am!"

He sits down on my bed "Great, I'll keep you up then."

My cheeks turn red while I push off off the bed.

He slips off, grabs a fistful of my shirt and drags me down with him.

"Ow!" I yelp as my body comes in contact with him.

"Get off, midget. You're heavy."


I stand up and lend him a hand, which he doesn't take "Wow..."

"What, you would've preferred if I took it, midget?" He stands up, looking down at me.

The height difference made me stutter "N-no? Help yourself up then, I guess."

He hums, pushing me on the bed "Hey!" I yelp.

He smirks and lays back into his bed "Go back to bed midget."

"What happened with 'bleh bleh I'm keeping you up'?" I mimick him.

"Mh... No. I thought you might be into it."

"I'm not-!" I yell "Shut up!"

"I'm trying to sleep midget, keep it down."

"Eh!? But-??" He cuts me off with a long 'shhh'

"Idiot..." I mutter.

"I heard that."


He hums in a low, husky voice and my cheeks turn red.

He's teasing me on purpose!


"Can you not!?" I snatch the butter knife from Christian's hand, after he first took it from mine "I wasn't finished."

"How much butter do you need?? You're already done covering your bread." He argues.

"No. I'm done when I lay the knife down." I say, finally putting the knife down while glaring at him.

He looks at me while he grabs a complete different knife.

"Eh?? Why snatch mine if you could've just fetch another one!?"

He hums "I prefer this one." He points to my knife.

"What? Why?"

"It's white." He looks at me, smearing butter on his toast.

"Eh? Just because it's your favorite color?"

"Yes." He replies instantly.

I scoff "Picky b-"

"Can you stop!?" Mom whines "It's too early for this, I can't take it anymore."

Frederick laughs "They're gonna get along.... Eventually....." He sighs heavily.

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