Chapter 3

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Y/N's POV: Today I had a day shift to work this time. And unfortunately, it was on a Saturday... the busiest day of the entire week... fuck... I'm not mentally prepared for this...

But, there was no point in complaining so, I got my work uniform on, brushed my teeth and hair, all that. Then, I drove to work.

"God... why am I the one working today... *sigh*... probably as some insult or whatever..." I thought to myself.

I finally arrived, and apparently I have to work 7 HOURS TODAY. Could today be any worse...

So, I went behind the cashier, ready to deal with this crap. But then, someone else arrived that came to my surprise:

It was that same man who got the energy drinks a couple nights ago. In a store uniform.

Y/N: "Hey, sir, you can't be behind here-"

Danno: "Actually, I have to now!" He said with a smile.

Y/N: "Sir, this is a supermarket, I don't have time to deal with this..."

 We get a lot of customers disguising as employees to get free stuff or whatever, so thats why I was skeptical about the man.

Danno: "*chuckles* "Well, ask the manager yourself~! :)"

So I went to my manager and asked her about him. Apparently, he's actually hired now. Huh. I thanked her for her time, and walked off. It made my day a bit better, since now I can spend more time with one of my only decent customers now. Or at least, former customer.

I went back to the man and I apologized to him about the misunderstanding. But he was actually pretty chill about it. He lived in Toonville for a good while and even got a couple jobs in here too, so he's used to it by now.

Anyway, there wasn't any customers yet, so we had a little chat.

Y/N: "So... why did you get this job..?"

Danno: "Eh, it's kinda complicated..."

Y/N: "Ah, okay. Wait, are you that same man from a couple nights ago with the energy drinks..?"

Danno: "Oh uh *chuckles nervously* yeah... thats me 😅!"

Y/N: "Heh, I knew I recognized you! Wait a minute, I never asked you your name..."

Danno: "Oh yeah! Well, my name is Danno!"

Y/N: "Interesting name! Well, my name is Y/N~!"

Riggy: "So uh... is something going on here..?"


Danno: "Yep... I couldn't really trust him to be alone at the house anymore... in fact, it was actually a huge hassle to get him hired in the interview because Riggy brought a fake document without criminal records and they didn't believe it was him. And since I can't just leave Riggy leashed outside, I had to convince them super hard that they were that resident on the document. Don't even ask how he got that in the first place..."

Y/N: "Woah... This Riggy guy surly knows his ways about criminal activities, I'll tell you what O_O."

Danno: *shrugs* "Eh, it is what it is I guess..."

The customers started to go in, and it was actually a lot easier than if I worked alone. We became good buddies soon enough. When my shift ended, I waved Danno goodbye, and for once, I felt, happy leaving. And this wasn't because it was hell, although the customers were rude like usual. It was because, I finally got along with someone at work. 

For once, I actually felt, kinda excited to go back to work, so I can see him again. Maybe this could be an exciting new start!

Shopping For Love: Danno x Y/N Fanfic 💙💜💌Where stories live. Discover now