Oneshot #1

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You and Danno cuddle in this chapter :3

Requested by Dannosimp


Danno's POV: It was raining when I walked out of work with Riggy. Though I got a little wet since I didn't bring an umbrella, I loved the smell of the rain outside, and I especially loved the slightly cold air. Riggy however, did not like the rain. And of course, was bitching about it.

Riggy: "Ugh, why do we have to walk to the car with the rain??"

Danno: *sigh* "Riggy, I cannot control the weather here. And plus, I kinda like the rain if I'm being honest."

Riggy: "Pfft!! How could like rain!?! It makes my fur all messed up.."

Danno: "Eh, I can see that since you're an animal. But, we're at the car now, can can you be quiet for at least 5 minutes..?"

Riggy: "fffiiiiiiinnnee!"

I went into the car, and started to drive home. I called up Y/N ahead of time so we can hang out for a while, and they're going to be at my house when I get back. But, Riggy was here... so I'm gonna have to find a way to keep him out of it.

When we finally arrived home, I was mentally preparing for Riggy's complaining of Y/N being in the house. 

I opened the door, and there Y/N was there like planned.

Riggy: "Ugh... Why didn't you tell me you were gonna invite your stupid boyfriend/girlfriend here!?"

Danno: "Yeah... I've should've told you about that... but, can you at least go upstairs for a little while? I'll tell you when you can come out..?"

Riggy: "Well, its not like I wanna see you slobber all over your faces anyways..."

Me and Y/N just stared at Riggy with annoyance as he went upstairs.

Y/N: "So... what do you wanna do Danno..?"

Danno: "I'm... not sure actually.."

Y/N: *slightly blushing* "Well, maybe we can... y'know... cuddle..?"

Danno: *flashes red* "Oh! Uh.. well- I- uh- never end tried that with you before."

Y/N: "You look so cute when you're flustered like that~!"

I got on the couch with Y/N. I wrapped my arms around Y/N. At first, it felt awkward, but soon enough, I started to like it. It was super calming and it was just what I needed. I felt my face and Y/N getting progressively warmer and warmer, and it felt thrilling yet soothing. Their clothes felt softer then usual, so my finger was lightly creasing on part of their shirt.

My eyes were getting droopy. I gave Y/N a soft kiss, and accidentally fell asleep for a little while with each other. Until, we heard a loud thud from outside, which awakened me from my sleep. We were both very confused.

Y/N rushed outside to see where it can from. 

They came back in soon enough with Riggy, who was covered in glass shards and cuts. And a couple bruises.

Turns out, Riggy jumped out the window from his room because I guess he got tired of waiting.


Danno: "Okay I'll admit, it was my fault this time... sorry about tha-"


Danno: *sigh* "Just so you know Y/N, he always comes back whenever he "runs away"..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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