chapter 1 .

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In trollstopia, in branch's bunker, Floyd was in bed, he softly groaned as he turned in his bed,eyes squeezed shut, suddenly his eyes flew open and he awoke with a gasp,sitting up in bed.

He panted,wiping away the sweat from his forehead as he tried to calm down, he turned to the dirrection of his door, slowly he got out of bed, pulled on his hair so that it would glow (floyd really disliked walking in the dark) and headed to to door, he opened it and slowly,walked to another door which led to the room where his eldest brother,John Dory, slept.

Floyd opened the door,  and approached his brother's bed, he gently reached to shake the figure in the bed. "John, you aren't going to believe the dream that I just...." Floyd's hands touched the lump in bed, he frowned, it felt like pillows, nervously, he pulled back the blanket and gasped. He stepped back in fear, all that was in his brother's bed were pillows. Floyd felt himself getting scared, so he took a deep breath of air and exhaled as he did his breathing excercises he always did whenever he was nervous or scared. 

'Easy Floyd,' he thought to himself. 'John Dory probably went to the kitchen or is in the living room, drinking a cup of water, yeah that's it, I'll walk in and see my brother in his pajamas drinking a cup of water.' The thought reassured him and Floyd headed to the living room, his brother was not there. Floyd quickly headed into the kitchen, he paled. His brother was not there. Where was John Dory? Quickly,Floyd hurried to  Bruce's room, he opened the door and raced towards the bed.

"Spru.....I mean Bruce! Bruce! wake up John Dory's not in..." As he shook the lump he though was his second eldest brother, he gasped  and pulled the blankets back. There were pillows where bruce was supposed to be. Floyd ran out of the room. He hurried into Clay's room hoping to see his 3rd eldest brother asleep. He shook the figure in bed. "Clay! Wake up!" There was no answer. Floyd pulled off the covers, there again were pillows instead of his brother. Now Floyd was trying so hard to not hyperventilate. He ran to branch's bed begging that his baby brother was stil in bed sound asleep next to his remote controller gary. He opened the door and shook the lumo in bed. "Branch,please wake up." He begged as tears started to drip from his eyes. There was no answer, with his hand shaking floyd threw back the blanket, there were only pillows there and no sign of Gary.

Floyd backed up in fear all his brothers were gone, maybe... Rhonda had seen them.   Quickly. Floyd ran to the lift and pilled the lever which slowly, raised upwards. Floyd, upon reaching the top, opened the trapdoor and climbed out.  He gasped when he turned and saw that Rhonda was gone. He started to feel panicked.  He wandered away from the bunker.  As he walked he cried out:

"John Dory? Bruce? Clay! Branch! Where are you?"  

There was the sound of a twig snapping, Floyd looked around in fear, another twig snapped. Floyd looked around, was it his brothers,  he heard the sound of a footstep, he slowly walked towards it

"Bros? Is that you?" He nervously asked.

He could  see a figure emerge and gasped in fear as it approached him.

"I've finally found you." A familiar voice said

Floyd stood there frozen in  terror. 

"No, can't be." He whimpered in terror.

It was velvet.  The mount rageon smiled evily at Floyd, floyd could see that in her arms she carried many diamond perfume bottles and each one contained a troll. Among the trolls in the bottles were poppy,viva, Bruce,clay, branch,and john dory.

Floyd felt his body tremble in fear and terror. 

John Dory; in his diamond prison, saw floyd standing there frozen in fear and terror, he banged against the walls of his prison. "Floyd? Run! Run little brother run!"

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